Perhaps, for this reason the people used to worship Lord Rama as they do even today. Book reading is a very good habit because it helps us to improve our personality and make us mature, essay on favorite book. It is a complete moral code. It is very important and essential to building a better knowledge base. Mahabharata is one of the major epics of Hindus in Sanskrit. Lord Rama fought against the forces of evil and injustice. Leave a Comment Cancel Reply Your email address will not be published.
Books are excellent friends. They never leave your side. I enjoy reading books. Books have the ability to move people across the world without requiring them to leave their homes. I have read so many books, essay on favorite book. But my favorite is Harry Potter. The author of this book is J. These books are about the wizarding world. The Harry Potter series contains seven books. I read them over and over essay on favorite book they never tire me. Books also help in the development of our creativity. My parents and instructors developed in me the habit of reading. They instilled in me the importance of reading. Books are great friends and they never leave your side. I really enjoy reading books.
I was constantly encouraged to read by my parents and teachers. There are so many things for young people to learn in this series. The book teaches us the importance of friendship. Throughout the novels, Harry, Hermoine, and Ron stayed together and never gave up. It taught me the real meaning of friendship. It also demonstrated to me that no one in the universe is perfect. Everyone has good and also evil inside them, essay on favorite book. So it all depends on whom you want to be. Books are great friends, and they never leave your side. So it all depends on whom you want to be This book changed my attitude toward people and taught me to be more considerate. Finally, these books showed me what real hope is. It taught me that there is hope at the end of the road, and these are just a few of the most significant and intriguing lessons I took away from Harry Potter.
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Every book provides us with knowledge and interesting facts. There are some books which inspire us and we feel it to be the best book we have ever read. My favorite book is Mahabharata. I did not know anything about this epic before I read the book. I received this book as my birthday gift from my grandparents. At first, when I opened the book, it appeared to be a little boring. I kept the book as it is in my drawer. Later when the serial Mahabharata was casted on television, I started getting interested in the story. Since it was casted a little on one day and I wanted to know about the whole story soon.
Therefore I started reading the book. Mahabharata is one of the major epics of Hindus in Sanskrit. It has been written by Maharishi Ved Vyas. The epic contains shlokas. The main story depicted by this epic is based on the battle between Pandavas and Kauravas for getting the throne of Hastinapur. The battle was fought in Kurukshetra. The book mainly focuses on the story of Kauravas and Pandavas. Dhritarashtra and Pandu were two brothers. Since Dhritarashtra was blind so Pandu became the ruler. Duryodhana was the eldest of hundred sons Kaurwas of Dhritarashtra and Yudhistir, Bheem, Arjuna, Nakul, and Sehdev were five sons of Pandu.
Duryodhana invited Pandavas to play the game with him. The Pandavas accepted the offer of their cousin's brother and came to play. As a result, they have to spend 13 years of exile period. After they completed the period of exile, they returned to Indraprastha. Duryodhana refused to hand over Hastinapur to Pandavas. This led them to fight the battle for justice and dharma. Later the Pandavas won the battle by defeating Kauravas. Bhagavad Gita - Arjun was not ready to fight the battle against his close relatives. The Enlightenment and knowledge which Lord Krishna imparted during the battle to Arjun came to be known as Bhagavad Gita. It is the storehouse of knowledge.
It is part of the Great Epic Mahabharata. It consists of 18 chapters consisting of shlokas. It teaches us spiritual lessons along with important lessons of life. Lord Krishna says that it is the body only that dies not the soul. The soul leaves one body and occupies a new body. It has been explained in Gita that one should be hard working without thinking of the results. There is no substitute for hard work. The life of man is full of struggles and men should face all these with a firm determination. I love the story of Mahabharata. This book helps us in solving the problems of our life. In the story of Mahabharata, every character has an important role and we can learn different things from their life.
Think very carefully about this. The more knowledge you have going in, the better your work will be. The more you like the book, the more comfortable you will be when writing. When you have decided what book to focus on, start doing research. The essay on an interesting book you read will have some interesting facts surrounding it. Find them out. You can use them to make your work better! Interesting facts will make your work stand out in a crowd. Collect as many important facts as you can. You can decide whether or not they are important later on. If there is an author biography, then you should read it.
It will give you insights into the book you love. It may also help you to write your favorite book essay, by giving you more ideas! You may not learn about the book specifically, but you will learn about the circumstances around it. This can give your writing some depth in its ideas. Any good short essay on your favorite book will ask how valuable it is. You need to justify it, and why it was important enough to write about. What is it teaching people? What merits the focus it has? You need to justify your choice according to these questions.
Remember that there is always value in books. You only need to show people what that book means to you. When you are preparing to write, look at some essay samples. Model your essay on your favorite book on a previously written sample, and you stand a good chance of writing a good essay. Your first step in writing should be to create a writing plan. The essay on the book you like the most will involve a lot of separate elements. A writing plan will help you remember everything. First of all, write a plan that has simply the basics in it.
Put in paragraph headings. Put in your quotes. Now, look at it. What else do you want in there? Do you want your thesis statement? Do you want notes about what to put in each paragraph? Put in what you think will be helpful. Make it clear what this book means to you, specifically. This is the way to make your essay stand out in a crowd. This is what gets you noticed. A key to good writing is actually wanting to do it. Write from the heart, and you will find the act of writing much easier. There are many ways you can go about writing an essay about books. But whatever their focus, try and spend at least some time talking about what you liked. I have read many books written by different authors, but the Ramayana is my favourite book.
It is a holy book. It is a sacred book of the Hindus. I feel happy on reading about the death of proudy Ravana and his relatives. We should follow the example of Lord Rama, Laskshman, Bharat and Hanuman. A great-wise man wrote them. His name is Saint Tulsi Das. The Ramayana is one of the best book in the world. It guides me like a faithful teacher. It has been translated into many languages. He provided a key to all problems in life. This book was given to me as a present by my aunt. I like to read and re-read them. Many of them I remember very well. I like to tell them to my friends and my younger sister.
It makes me successful in every walk of life. I am lucky to have it. In short, it is a source of knowledge, wisdom and light. Visit a shop and you will find thousands of books lying in shelves. You may choose a book that suits you. It may be a book on literature, history or any other subject. It may be a book having a novel, a drama or a number of poems in it. It may be a picture book. Whichever interests you, you may go in for it. People call me a book-worm. But they are in the wrong. I like books but I am not a book-worm. I read books, which give me a great interest. I like tales of heroism. Therefore, I like the Ramayana. The Ramayana written in English by Rajagopalacharya, the late Governor General of India is a very good book. The verses in Hindi are really interesting.
I have read the English version of it as told earlier. Therefore, I know the story of the Ramayana. I like the story of the Lord Rama, as he was an ideal son of his ideal father. He was an ideal ruler of an ideal country. He was an ideal husband of an ideal wife. He was an ideal brother of Lakshmana, another ideal brother. Again he was an ideal ruler, who saved the people. Everyone could approach him at the time of distress. I wish that the people of the country should follow his foot-steps. He was great in many respects. We can be proud to know that our country had such a great ruler.
Perhaps, for this reason the people used to worship Lord Rama as they do even today. Lord Rama fought against the forces of evil and injustice. He used to serve and help the saints and people of his time. It is great quality of any ruler. He was a hero. He knew what he had to do. He followed his own principles of life. He was humble. His life teaches us a lot. If we want to build the character of a nation, we shall have to follow the principles of life of such a great man. I like the Ramayana because of the finest pictures that it has got. These pictures are highly alluring and astonishing. One of those pictures depicts fighting scene of Lord Rama against Ravana, the king of Lanka. It is a wonderful and lively picture of wonderful fight. I like books of songs and dramas also and I like singing.
It keeps me happy at those moments when sorrow haunts my mind. I sing sweet songs. Besides Ramayana or Ram Charit Manas, there are many other books of historical importance. These books throw light on many events. These books tell us of our ancient culture. I like books on culture. The Ramayana satisfies me in every way. It is one of the finest books on Indian culture and history. It is a book in verse. I can sing songs whenever I am lonely. It serves both the purposes. Therefore, I like this book very much. It is always better to read one book with interest than to read out many books without interest. Therefore, I shall tell you all how to choose your favourite book very carefully. This book should keep you absorbed and at the time it should give you much benefit in times of leisure.
Choosing a favourite book is really a difficult job. But I have already chosen my favourite book about which I have already made a mention. It is also a very good platform for teachers who want to share their valuable knowledge. Nice my teachers appreciated me for this essay. this website is so helpful thanks to who ever has written this. Thanks the essay is too good specially the story of ramayana is most beautiful essay thanks for the essay. This website helps me very much. So, when I wanted to write a paragraph or essay I search here and read a paragraph according to my choice and make a paragraph. My teachers become very happy seeing and reading my writing. Your email address will not be published. About Vision Website Inauguration Function.
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