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Essay on conservation of wildlife

Essay on conservation of wildlife

The wildlife is an important factor of our ecosystem, without their existence, the ecological balance will turn to an imbalanced state. Scientific studies by qualified personnel specially on threatened species of wild animals are encouraged in order to assess and improve their status, even by breeding them in captivity and rehabilitating them in suitable habitats. Habitats which protect wildlife, essay on conservation of wildlife, are being converted for human-settlements, harbours, dams, reservoirs, crop-lands, grazing- grounds, mining-operations etc. The main objective of the project was to maintain the habitat of the tigers from destruction. Changes in settling areas and routes of migratory animals resulted in their going astray and perishing. Hence, very important matter which essay on conservation of wildlife special attention is the need for preserving and propagating our living resources in scientific manner.

Short and Long Essays on Wildlife Conservation

Wildlife represents the animals that are not domesticated or tamed, essay on conservation of wildlife. They are just wild animals and living in total wilderness. The conservation of such animals and plant species so that they may be out of the danger of extinction is termed wildlife conservation. Find here some essays on this topic to get clear about. The protection of the species essay on conservation of wildlife wildlife from extinction or vanishing by applying suitable methods is termed as wildlife conservation. The wild animals and plants play an important role in the ecosystem they reside. This is the outcome of the way in which man is changing the lifestyle and advancements in way of living. The enormous cutting of trees and forests is leading to the destruction of the habitats of wildlife.

The thoughtless deeds of human beings are responsible for the mass extinction of the wildlife species, essay on conservation of wildlife. The act of hunting and poaching is also a punishable offense, no wildlife species must be killed for the enjoyment purpose. The wild animals and plants are playing an important role in maintaining ecological balance. Their importance could not be denied. There are several factors that are a threat to wildlife creatures. The increasing pollution, temperature and climatic changes, overexploitation of resources, irregular hunting and poaching, essay on conservation of wildlife, loss of habitat, etc are major causes for the deterioration of wildlife. There essay on conservation of wildlife many of the government acts and policies formulated and amended in the direction for the conservation of wildlife.

It is the sole and social responsibility of human beings, on an individual basis, one should try to conserve our renewable resources. They are precious and must be used up in a wise manner. The wildlife creatures and plants add beauty to our nature. Their uniqueness, beautiful voice of some birds and animals makes the surrounding and the habitat pleasing and wonderful. The act of protecting the species of wild plants and animals from becoming extinct is termed as wildlife conservation. The same is achieved through the execution of different plans and policies by the human being. The wildlife is an important factor of our ecosystem, without their existence, the ecological balance will turn to an imbalanced state. As each and every creature has its right to exist and therefore they must be provided with a proper habitat and conditions.

But the conditions prevailing are totally different. Man has become so much selfish in his desires that he forgot that other organisms have the same right. The different illegal practices, advancements, needs have led to the creation of a situation which is an alarming one. There should be a positive approach to the conservation of wildlife. There are many policies and plans and initiatives by the government already working for protection purposes, essay on conservation of wildlife. The wild animals and plants which are easy to protect or conserve within their own habitat should be protected following the in-situ conservation measures. The animals and plants which are unable to remain safe in their own habitat or are facing the extinction terrors should be conserved within laboratories or some reserves following ex-situ measures.

Wildlife conservation is the phenomenon of protection and management of wildlife facing the danger of extinction. Wildlife is an important feature of our ecology. They are the animals or plants which are the supporting systems of our ecosystem. They are living in wilderness in some forests or jungles. They are helping in maintaining our ecological balance. The inhuman practices are leading wildlife creatures to become essay on conservation of wildlife or extinct. India is rich in biodiversity, but there are many factors leading to the loss of the same. The main objective of the project was to maintain the habitat of the tigers from destruction. Secondly, ensuring a rise in the number of tigers.

The project had a positive approach in saving our Royal Bengal Tigers, as their number increased from approx. At an initial level, there were 9 protected areas which came up to become 50 till This was really a successful attempt towards the conservation of the Tiger our national animal. This project was launched at the central level, but the initiative was taken up by the states, funds were also provided to different states according to the requirements. The results of population essay on conservation of wildlife and urbanization have to lead to an increase in the activities of cutting down forests and turning them into buildings, hotels, or places of human settlements.

This results in a reduction of the habitat of different forest-dwelling species. They have to leave those places and search for new habitat which is not very easy. The search for new habitat, a lot of competition for food, carries many of the species towards the verge of extinction. Wildlife animals and plants are important aspects of nature. A loss at any level may essay on conservation of wildlife to unnatural consequences. They are responsible for the ecological balance and for the sustenance of mankind, the balance must be maintained. The conservation of plants and animals in their natural habitat is called in-situ conservation.

Red Data Book is that contains the data of the threatened species. The maximum number of national parks is there in the Madhya Pradesh state of India. Wildlife Protection Act was passed on 9th September There were only 5 national parks in India before Kailash Sankhala is regarded as the Tiger man of India. Ankita has completed her master's degree from Banaras Hindu University BHU. She is interested in blogs and articles writing very creatively and essay on conservation of wildlife her ideas and views on different topics for her readers. She is a nature lover along with the spirit to save the environment from destruction. She loves traveling and explores her creative ideas in her essay on conservation of wildlife. Login in to your account.

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Their importance could not be denied. There are several factors that are a threat to wildlife creatures. The increasing pollution, temperature and climatic changes, overexploitation of resources, irregular hunting and poaching, loss of habitat, etc are major causes for the deterioration of wildlife. There are many of the government acts and policies formulated and amended in the direction for the conservation of wildlife. It is the sole and social responsibility of human beings, on an individual basis, one should try to conserve our renewable resources. They are precious and must be used up in a wise manner. The wildlife creatures and plants add beauty to our nature. Their uniqueness, beautiful voice of some birds and animals makes the surrounding and the habitat pleasing and wonderful.

The act of protecting the species of wild plants and animals from becoming extinct is termed as wildlife conservation. The same is achieved through the execution of different plans and policies by the human being. The wildlife is an important factor of our ecosystem, without their existence, the ecological balance will turn to an imbalanced state. As each and every creature has its right to exist and therefore they must be provided with a proper habitat and conditions. But the conditions prevailing are totally different. Man has become so much selfish in his desires that he forgot that other organisms have the same right.

The different illegal practices, advancements, needs have led to the creation of a situation which is an alarming one. There should be a positive approach to the conservation of wildlife. There are many policies and plans and initiatives by the government already working for protection purposes. The wild animals and plants which are easy to protect or conserve within their own habitat should be protected following the in-situ conservation measures. The animals and plants which are unable to remain safe in their own habitat or are facing the extinction terrors should be conserved within laboratories or some reserves following ex-situ measures.

Wildlife conservation is the phenomenon of protection and management of wildlife facing the danger of extinction. Wildlife is an important feature of our ecology. They are the animals or plants which are the supporting systems of our ecosystem. They are living in wilderness in some forests or jungles. They are helping in maintaining our ecological balance. The inhuman practices are leading wildlife creatures to become endangered or extinct. India is rich in biodiversity, but there are many factors leading to the loss of the same. The main objective of the project was to maintain the habitat of the tigers from destruction.

Secondly, ensuring a rise in the number of tigers. The project had a positive approach in saving our Royal Bengal Tigers, as their number increased from approx. At an initial level, there were 9 protected areas which came up to become 50 till This was really a successful attempt towards the conservation of the Tiger our national animal. This project was launched at the central level, but the initiative was taken up by the states, funds were also provided to different states according to the requirements. The results of population explosion and urbanization have to lead to an increase in the activities of cutting down forests and turning them into buildings, hotels, or places of human settlements.

This results in a reduction of the habitat of different forest-dwelling species. They have to leave those places and search for new habitat which is not very easy. The search for new habitat, a lot of competition for food, carries many of the species towards the verge of extinction. Wildlife animals and plants are important aspects of nature. A loss at any level may lead to unnatural consequences. They are responsible for the ecological balance and for the sustenance of mankind, the balance must be maintained. The conservation of plants and animals in their natural habitat is called in-situ conservation. It is interesting to know how we have gradually developed the awareness of the protection of wildlife. At the turn of the twentieth century, the people perhaps with the idea that wildlife was inexhaustible took pride in boosting the killing of animals.

But the British rulers began to appreciate the importance of conservation of wildlife and enforced various acts viz. Rhino Protection Act, Elephant Protection Act, Arms Act etc. from time to time to save the wild animals from ruthless massacre. However, the first concrete step towards it was taken soon after independence in with the setting up of a Central Board for Wildlife which was subsequently renamed the Indian Board for Wildlife IBWL. Most of the states also followed it up. In spite of the formation of these boards, much could not be achieved because of working in isolation from the mainstream of planning-process. IBWL is the main advisory board for advising the Government of India regarding wildlife policy in the country. Some of its important achievements are the enacting of Wild Life Protection Act, ; establishment of national parks, sanctuaries and zoological gardens; promoting public interest and education in wildlife and its products; formulation of a national environmental conservation policy; revision of the national forest policy etc.

To restrict and regulate the thriving global trade in endangered species, India became a party to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora CITES in Afterwards, many of the international bodies like International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources IUCN , Worldwide Fund for Nature WWF , International Council for Bird Preservation ICBP etc. have come up for the purposes of safeguarding conservation, management and creation of awareness. India is the member of all these bodies.

Reserve forests, national parks, sanctuaries are left unexploited. Where total un-exploitation is not possible, the cutting-operation of the forests is done in limited blocks at a time. Growing of a single variety of plant is discouraged as far as possible, instead mixed vegetation is encouraged. Control-burning of grassland, to increase forage and to preserve organic materials in the soil, is done in block with un-burnt area in between. Provisions for dust-baths and artificial salt-licks are made in the forests for maintaining the normal health of the animals. Grazing of domestic livestock is dangerous to wild animals, as the latter can never compete successfully with the domestic stock.

Moreover, the domestic stock may be responsible for transmitting several contagious diseases. Hence, grazing by the domestic stock is avoided as far as possible. Scientific studies by qualified personnel specially on threatened species of wild animals are encouraged in order to assess and improve their status, even by breeding them in captivity and rehabilitating them in suitable habitats. Several such measures have been undertaken and many more are needed to halt the decline of wildlife and to create conditions in which it can flourish with its diversity in natural settings.

But nothing could be fruitful without educational and publicity programmes for a change in the human-outlook, especially in the school children who are the builders of the future society. There is a general lack of knowledge in the conservation of nature and the value of wildlife in our country. Nature has been treated as a milch cow. Anything of use to man is exploited indiscriminately and inevitably leading to its depletion. Sometimes beyond redemption, unless economy is tempered by ecology, there is no possibility of halting the present trend. The only permanent solution to the problems of protection of wildlife, which is a part of the macro-problem of protection of biosphere and its component ecosystems, lies in proper understanding of the living world and in the reorientation of the human-outlook.

To find the goals of the above said objectives, government as well as public sector were attracted their attention as an issue of national concern. Essay 2. Need for the Conservation of Wildlife : Conservation embraces the positive and dynamic science of ecology the study of living processes and their interdependences on each-other and their habitat. wildlife conservation. Originally the term was used to denote strict preservation leading to locking-up of resources and prevention of their use. This meaning has become antiquated. In broad sense, conservation is defined as the management of human-use of the biosphere so that it may yield the greatest sustainable benefit to present generation while maintaining its potential to meet the needs and aspirations of future generations.

However, in strict sense; wildlife conservation denotes that wildlife is to be conserved is such a way that it may remain in the nature in peak status and to get the benefit is not the main objective but maintain natural-balance, while in wildlife management along with the conservation of wildlife they are to be managed in such a way that they can meet the specific objectives of human beings. It is now recognized world over that biological diversity is insurance for food and ecological security. Biological diversity is threatened by encroachment on natural ecosystems by the activities of the ever-growing human population. Creation of new species and elimination of a few others are the results of organic evolution. Extinction of a species is also a part of the natural process.

But with the gradual emergence of human beings as a major evolutionary force, people have increasingly exploited the wildlife rather callously. The rate of decline has been particularly rapid in the last one hundred years without any corresponding renewal. It is estimated that about plant species and vertebrate species and subspecies are threatened with extinction world over. These figures do not include invertebrates like molluscs, insects, corals and innumerable other forms of life, which are invariably vulnerable. It is believed that at least 10 per cent of the living species are in danger.

The most serious threat to the wildlife comes from habitat destruction. Habitats, which protect wildlife, are being converted to human settlements, harbours, dams, reservoirs, croplands, grazing grounds, plantations and mining sites. The introduction of exotic species over exploitation, and international trade in increasingly scarce commodities of wild origin, mainly from developing countries, is other causes of destruction of many species. The rare species of plants and animals have been categorized for conservation purposes by the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources IUCN. Majorly the categories like Endangered E , Vulnerable V , Rare R , and Threatened T have been identified.

From time to time, thus database is translated into popular document and published as Red list or Red Data Book of species that are facing the risk of extinction. According to IUCN , there are endangered plant species and 54 animal species. In India, Botanical Survey of India BSI published a Red Book for endangered plant species which should be provided with conservation. Essay 3. Objectives of Conservation of Wildlife: There are three specific objectives of conservation of biodiversity or wildlife as follows:. c To ensure a continuous use of species, in fact ecosystem, that support rural communities and urban industries.

Thus the conservation of wildlife has broad objective, not only concerned with biotic plants, animals and microorganisms but also with abiotic factors. Therefore, conservation of biodiversity is a complex operation which is specifically concerned with plants, animals and microorganisms and with these nonliving elements of the environment on which they depend. Essay 4. Strategies for the Conservation of Wildlife : Scientists representing countries of the world have evolved a comprehensive World Conservation Strategy for judicious use of resources. ii Sound planning and management of land and water uses. iii Preservation of as many varieties as possible of food crops, forage plants, timber trees, live-stocks, animals for agriculture and their wild relatives and microbes.

Priority should be given to those varieties that are most threatened and most needed for national and international breeding programme. iv Each country should identify the habitats of wild relatives of the economically valuable and useful plants and animals and ensure their preservation in Protected Areas. v Safe guarding of the critical habitats the feeding, breeding, nursery and resting areas of the species. vi Establishing a network of Protected Areas for migratory or wide ranging animals to preserve the habitat of the species. vii If a species migrates or ranges from one national jurisdiction to another, bilateral or multilateral agreements should be made to set up the required network.

Exploitation of the species and pollution of the environment along the migratory routes should be regulated. viii Unique ecosystems should be protected as a matter of priority. Only those uses which are compatible, with their preservation, should be permitted. ix The productive capacities of exploited species and ecosystems have to be determined and it has to be ensured that utilization does not exceed those capacities. x International trade in wild plants and animals has to be regulated to appropriate legislative and administrative measures. Essay 5. Methods Used for the Conservation of Wildlife : Methods of conservation of faunal and floral species are broadly classified into two methods, such as In-situ conservation and Ex-situ conservation.

In-situ conservation is the most appropriate method. This approach includes protection of total ecosystems through a network of Protected Areas. The common natural habitats protected areas that have been set for in-situ conservation of wildlife include national parks, sanctuaries, biosphere reserves, several wetlands mangroves, coral reefs etc. Ex-situ conservation involves cultivation of rare plants and rearing of threatened animal species in zoological and botanical gardens and preservation of the plant species in the form of seeds in seed banks etc. by means of tissue-culture techniques. Individuals of the species are maintained in artificial conditions under human supervision. These methods include maintaining gene banks, pollen preservation and the most useful is the cryopreservation by with tissue culture and germplasm conservation are made.

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