Monday, February 28, 2022

Why am i going to college essay

Why am i going to college essay

I realized that in a changing world, places really are the best storytellers. Craft it should be obvious, in other words, that the author has revised the essay over several drafts and knows the purpose of each paragraph, sentence, and word, why am i going to college essay. Reflecting on your own interests and experiences, please comment on one of the following:. email: [email protected]. I believe that the use of teleoperation in camera traps in wildlife censuses and studies can be a potential gamechanger in a geologically diverse country like India. Read student reviews.

Why am I in College?

At why am i going to college essay end of secondary or high school, many students face the tough decision of whether or not to pursue higher education. An extremely common reason that most students attend college is for future career opportunities. Typically, individuals with college diplomas have more employment options than those without. For example, why am i going to college essay, a high-school graduate would likely not be hired as a nurse practitioner or an IT expert over a college-graduated student from a related field. Students have more of a choice in their job selection when they possess college degree, and since college students will pursue studies they love, they are usually happier in their associated jobs as a result.

This reasoning for future employment also goes hand-in-hand with future financial opportunity. Students that go to college not only get access to more jobs, but they get access to better-paying jobs. This is primarily due to the fact that they have learned useful skills, techniques and practices throughout their college education. College graduates typically have higher starting salaries than non-graduates because they are performing more complex jobs at higher career levels. However, students go to college for many more reasons than employment opportunities and big paychecks.

Many individuals go to college simply for experience and learning. College is one of the many why am i going to college essay where people from all walks of life come together to socialize and educate themselves. Students can explore new theologies, religions, activities, social groups and other experiences they may not have had access to at home. It is a great way for individuals to meet new people and develop lifelong friendships outside their hometown. Personal growth typically results from this kind of learning as well, teaching students more about themselves, their beliefs, their convictions, their strengths and their weaknesses. Students usually become much more creative, open-minded and effective at problem solving through college experiences.

This kind of internal development is much harder to come by without the diverse experiences offered through college. There are diverse reasons to go to college, and nearly all of them have a positive effect on the student. Why Are You Going to College? The road to success is easy with a little help. Let's get your assignment out of the way. Order now.

a small place essay

Typically, individuals with college diplomas have more employment options than those without. For example, a high-school graduate would likely not be hired as a nurse practitioner or an IT expert over a college-graduated student from a related field. Students have more of a choice in their job selection when they possess college degree, and since college students will pursue studies they love, they are usually happier in their associated jobs as a result. This reasoning for future employment also goes hand-in-hand with future financial opportunity.

Students that go to college not only get access to more jobs, but they get access to better-paying jobs. This is primarily due to the fact that they have learned useful skills, techniques and practices throughout their college education. College graduates typically have higher starting salaries than non-graduates because they are performing more complex jobs at higher career levels. However, students go to college for many more reasons than employment opportunities and big paychecks. Many individuals go to college simply for experience and learning. College is one of the many places where people from all walks of life come together to socialize and educate themselves. Students can explore new theologies, religions, activities, social groups and other experiences they may not have had access to at home.

You can show off your research skills by mentioning in your essay you found a syllabus:. Step 3: Decide on your approach to the essay. How it works: Research a bunch of opportunities at the school and connect each one back to you in an organized way. While you may not ultimately name all the reasons in your final version, research this many will give you plenty to choose from when you start your draft. Clear thesis that names the academic area s you want to pursue and maybe charts the path of the essay. Prompt: Describe the unique qualities that attract you to the specific undergraduate College or School including preferred admission and dual degree programs to which you are applying at the University of Michigan. How would that curriculum support your interests?

Mark Twain was a steamboat pilot. Agatha Christie was a nurse. Robert Frost was a light bulb filament changer. The best writers do not only write beautifully, but also integrate their personal experiences and knowledge outside the world of literature. By combining the study of literature , media and perhaps law , I believe the University of Michigan will provide the education necessary for me to evolve as a journalist. I look forward to courses such as Academic Argumentation and Professional Writing, as I believe these will provide me with a firm basis in journalistic writing technique and improve my abilities to write analytically and develop well-supported arguments. Furthermore, the Professional Writing course will teach me how to write in a concise, straightforward style, a skill vital to a journalist.

At The College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, I will be able to apply the skills learned in class with media studies in and beyond the classroom. The Honors Program provides an opportunity for independent research into the field of mass media, which will allow for intensive group studies and in-depth research opportunities, and the superb networking opportunity provides the chance to meet and engage with prominent figures in media-related studies, which will provide a deeper insight and knowledge into the field.

Outside the classroom, I can see myself writing scripts for the student-run television station WOLV-TV, or composing headlines for The Michigan Daily. The Pre-Law Advising Program is interesting because I want to explore the intricacies of law and policies that govern this world. But all these are what UM has to offer me. The various volunteer programs offered by Volunteers Involved Every Week appeals to me, as does the possibility of volunteering at the Boys and Girls Club of Southern Michigan, as I have previous experience with elementary school teaching.

And as an international student, I know the pains of learning English as a second language. I believe I can contribute to the ESL teaching program either at UM or abroad, and see this as an opportunity to have an impact not only at UM, but in Washtenaw County and beyond. The short hook. Many students spend way too long on their opening when a short one will do. If you use this first approach, get to the main argument as fast as you can. The clear thesis that provides a path for the essay. Three main reasons and bits of supporting evidence per paragraph. A Slightly More Advanced Example of This Approach. As a result, we learn a bit more about both the school and the author. Prompt: How will you explore your intellectual and academic interests at the University of Pennsylvania?

Please answer this question given the specific undergraduate school to which you are applying. Word limit: I want to be a catalyst when I grow up, someone who sparks growth while also trying to sustain the environment through improved efficiency. At the GRASP laboratory , I hope to work at the Haptics Lab under Professor Katherine Kuchenbecker to devise an integrated haptic-responsive camera trap. I believe that the use of teleoperation in camera traps in wildlife censuses and studies can be a potential gamechanger in a geologically diverse country like India. I also feel that haptics interfaces can catalyze the process of discovering and studying unexplored biodiversity hotspots like the Western Ghats and the high-rising Himalayas. Besides this, I would also really get a chance to perfect my butterfly stroke through stroke rehabilitation at the Haptics Lab!

I believe that little sparks of innovation can turn into developed businesses if given the right acceleration and, having already negotiated a deal with the software company Everlution Software Ltd. Courses like Engineering Negotiations will advance my skills in the subtle art of negotiation and develop my thinking in high-pressure situations. I also look forward to engaging in bird photography and ornithology by being an active member of the Penn Birding Club and potentially conducting fall bird censuses to illuminate for students the birdlife that nestles in the university.

I hope to photograph and document each and every one of the species Morris Arboretum Checklist of birds at UPenn. Furthermore, courses like Documentary Strategies and Photographic Thinking will help me better integrate critical thought into my photos and construct out-of-the-box documentaries to put into perspective environmental sustainability at UPenn. Also, contributing photo essays to the Penn Sustainability Review will allow me to depict the need for a change, beyond words. As I move with a redefined pace towards the goal of global sustainability, I am reminded of the UPenn ideology of addressing the most challenging questions and problems of our time by integrating and combining different disciplines and perspectives.

Through my stay at UPenn, I hope to do just that. In addition to providing a strong foundation in economics, Tufts provides me the opportunity to further explore global health care policy through an International Relations Program that leverages the strengths of 18 related departments and programs. Its strengths in Chinese, Econ and International Relations, combined with its beautiful suburban campus, academic rigor, and global reach have confirmed that Tufts is the place for me. But how do you make the school feel really special?

Like this:. How it works: find opportunities that are particular to the school i. This is my favorite approach, as focusing on fewer reasons allows you the chance to share more about yourself and your interests i. But it can be more difficult to write because, frankly, it can be hard to find specifics that truly set a school apart from other schools. Prompt: Students in Arts and Sciences embrace the opportunity to delve into their academic interests, discover new realms of intellectual inquiry, and chart their own path through the College. Tell us why the depth, breadth, and flexibility of our curriculum are ideally suited to exploring the areas of study that excite you. Whenever I have time on my hands, I hook myself up to my EEG and analyze my brain waves.

Or if I am feeling slightly less adventurous, I am reading about the latest neuroscience trends in ScienceDirect or NCBI PubMed. I want to spend my life studying, understanding, and helping to fix the human brain. But just counting the peaks is not the best way to measure the benefits. I look forward to gaining a deeper understanding of the fundamentals of neurophysiology as well as working with better equipment in courses like Principles of Neurophysiology. As someone who has long been passionate about neurotechnology, the fact that Cornell is unique in offering classes devoted specifically to the field is very important to me. I would love to work with Dr. Chris Xu in expanding the current three-photon microscope to be applied on various animal models.

I also look forward to helping Dr. Chris Schaffer, whose research on deep neural activity is not being done anywhere else in the world. I freak out at the possibility of helping him develop a tool to look at multiple brain areas at the same time. Though I have long aspired to study at Cornell, when I visited and sat in on Neurobiology and Behavior II, it made me all the more determined. Her animations of neurotransmitters crossing a synapse and new synapses forming in neuron clusters kept her students engaged in a way I have not seen in any other classrooms. I want to go to Cornell because of teachers like her. During my visit I also enjoyed talking with Kacey about her experiences in the college scholars program. I loved that she had studied the effects of circus and gymnastic performances, like Cirque Du Soleil, on therapy for children with neurological disabilities.

I am very excited by the idea of combining neuroscience with something like the effects of learning a classical language on developing brains. Many studies have shown the plethora of positive effects of being bilingual, but not much research has been done on classical languages. I have been studying Latin for over seven years, and I have experienced firsthand the positive effects. This is the program I would create for my college scholars project. Cornell is also the only university I am interested in that offers a speaking course in Latin: Conversational Latin. For the past six years, I have rarely had to translate more than a few sentences at a time from English to Latin, never truly experiencing the unique grammatical features of Latin, such as intricate word play by Catullus in his Odes, that drew me so much to this language.

I would love to supplement my knowledge by being able to formulate my thoughts in Latin and actively immerse myself in the language. I am really excited about learning the language as it was meant to be learned, as well as the new perspective it will provide me on Latin rhetorical artifacts. As a kid who loves inventing, enjoys interactive learning, and wants to speak a dead language, I know Cornell is where I want to be. I wonder if my roommate will mind if I bring my EEG? How this essay is similar to the first approach:. He begins with a short intro and solid thesis; both work well. He weaves back and forth between what he wants and what the school offers.

What sets this essay apart: The four examples that name how the school is unique give us a really clear sense of how Cornell is a great fit for this student. How it works: identify one core value that links you to the school and tell a story. Students who feel approaches 1 and 2 might blend in too much, and are willing to take a risk. This approach hinges on a particular story, value, or insight. And if:. Reflecting on your own interests and experiences, please comment on one of the following:. On the first dawn of the summer, I found myself in a familiar place: sitting awkwardly in the back of a crowded bus full of rowdy twelve year olds.

Using the river as a natural learning laboratory, I taught them about pollution and industrialization, urban design and remediation strategies. That summer, through my work in environmental education, I discovered the power of place. I realized that in a changing world, places really are the best storytellers. I find myself doing the very thing I was teaching: investigating the rich stories behind a place. But want to know the main thing that sets this essay apart? Instead, the author found one really good reason: Both he and Bowdoin are deeply committed to investigating place.

This focus was particularly apropos for this student, as he planned to major in Environmental Science. Because he used a value as the central theme, this essay is primarily about the author. This works because he stays connected to the central themes, which are nature and storytelling. Instead, though, we feel as we read this essay that the author is taking us somewhere. So we relax. Find a way in which you and the school are deeply aligned. And it may be easier to do this with a smaller liberal arts school like Bowdoin that has a particular character. What do I mean? Craft it should be obvious, in other words, that the author has revised the essay over several drafts and knows the purpose of each paragraph, sentence, and word. And because the Bowdoin essay above essentially focuses on just one important and interesting connection connection to place , I believe that craft becomes a LOT more important.

In other words: this essay would be much less awesome if it were much less beautiful. What do I mean by beautiful? Read it aloud. How do you get to this point? This approach takes time. I believe this is the type of essay that, particularly at a small liberal arts college, can truly make a difference. I have only anecdotal evidence—stories from a few admissions officers—to prove it, but in some cases I believe essays like this have tipped the scales in favor of a particular student. This part is perhaps the most difficult, but most crucial. Let me explain:. That quality is vulnerability. How does the Bowdoin essay above show vulnerability? He lets his geekiness show. He does this by writing about what he loves without apology.

Why is this vulnerable? Because, in doing so, he risks public ridicule. I mean, water testing? Come on Why is this important? He draws us in rather than push us away. Be the draw-us-in kind. Another thing that makes this essay vulnerable: he lists very few almost no Bowdoin specifics. Did it work? You decide. Could I create a hybrid approach by focusing on a central theme, but still listing a few reasons? They come pimpled, freckled, mushed, bent, rounded, and pointed. But, despite their differences, they share a single purpose: to listen.

Swarthmore is all about ears. It not only understands the importance of empathetic and open dialogue, but also the ways in which listening can be the first step towards bridging deeply entrenched ideological divides. Everything at Swarthmore is about putting those cartilage appendages on the sides of your head to good use. As a person drawn to audio and visual storytelling, my life has been defined by listening. I would creatively explore how narratives have been told in the past and can be redefined digitally for a new generation of ears. Swarthmore knows that global change starts with an honest conversation.

I want to be pioneering new networks of connection. I want to be starting those conversations. Some tips:. Prompt: Johns Hopkins University was founded in on a spirit of exploration and discovery. As a result, students can pursue a multi-dimensional undergraduate experience both in and outside of the classroom. Given the opportunities at Hopkins, please discuss your current interests academic, extracurricular, personal passions, summer experiences, etc. and how you will build upon them here. I have just returned from the G20 summit after delivering the annual-report on demographic transition and population stability. Throughout your seventeen years of life, you have been barraged with choices: Which airline seat to choose?

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