Wednesday, February 2, 2022

History of photography essay

History of photography essay

Soon new models that could be placed in a small case appeared. The British John Frederick Goddard started to process silver plates with the mix of bromine and chlorine vapor. In comparison the Calotype, which was invented by Talbot inproduced a negative photo on paper. The Daguerreotype was very expensive and each picture was a one off and could not be repeated, and if there is a need for two copies, two cameras would be side by side, history of photography essay. Louis Jacques Daguerre continued to develop this sphere. It has made life a lot easier for people. The Super Kodak was history of photography essay in

History of Photography – Humanities Essay

Today so many people are fond of photography. Some prefer to take photos, others to have their photo taken. There are so many photographers, professionals and amateurs. Some photographers take such great photos that we can not stop admiring them. However, modern photography provides us with numerous various gadgets and devices that help us to take great photos and sometimes they can even do everything instead of us. In this essay about photography we are going to present you brief history of photography so that you have an idea about it. Also those who are interested in photography will definitely like this history of photography essay. Read and enjoy reading. Photography in its common meaning was discovered by a man quite late, history of photography essay.

Till the 19th century a lot of chemical elements were not discovered yet. Scientists simply did not know which elements can react to light. So people had to save pictures with the help of drawing only. Art was greatly developed in the Middle Ages. You should not think that all the artists of that time were poor. History of photography essay of them can be compared with modern wedding photographers. They were hired to leave memory to the descendants. Artists used draw portraits and were well paid for their works. However every single picture took much time.

Usually a man or the whole family could not stay without movement for such a long time. So artists had to draw a portrait in several stages. Artists managed to make this process quicker. At that time they started using device called camera obscura. Camera obscura was mentioned even in works of Leonardo da Vinci, history of photography essay. In history of photography essay already Aristotle, ancient Greek philosopher, knew about its qualities. Camera obscura is a hermetic box or a dark room without windows. In the middle of one of the edges there is a round hole. Light from outside goes through the hole and reaches the other side.

A man in this case sees the projection of the space behind the camera but upside-down, history of photography essay. It was the idea of Leonardo da Vinci to divide the room with a wall with half transparent canvas or glass, on which the picture would be projected. With the optics developmenthistory of photography essay, camera obscura was also developing. Using new biconvex lens the device got smaller sizes, and was no longer giant. Camera obscura turned into quite small wooden box. There was a mirror in the back part, from which the image was projected up on the half transparent sheet of paper or on the glass.

But the history of photography began not from this moment. Such camera obscura did not allow to get photo, man still had to draw the image. The history of photography beginning starts in the early s. The British Humphry Davy and Thomas Wedgwood decided to put in the camera obscura a sheet of paper moistened with silver nitrate and sodium chloride solute. As a result they got a history of photography essay contrast picture. They need a couple of hours to get a picture, but under the light the picture almost completely disappeared, history of photography essay. That is why soon such history of photography essay were ended. The photography inventor is considered to be Joseph Nicephore Niepce.

He decided to achieve automatic picture generation on paper at any price, history of photography essay. And he succeeded. He used paper moistened in Syrian asphalt, also known as bitumen to get black-white pictures. The problem of such photography taking was in the duration of exposition hat could last even eight hours. It was impossible to take photos of people, so the first Niepce photos are the sceneries of his native town. With the death of Niepce the history of photography did not finish. Louis Jacques Daguerre continued to develop this sphere. He used plates with silver layer to take photos. He also covered them with iodine. As a result he got negative image, but it did not satisfied him. Besides, the time of exposition was the same. In Daguerre accidentally discovered that the picture becomes visible much faster under the influence of mercury vapor.

Later the process of photo taking gradually improved. The British John Frederick Goddard started to process silver plates with the mix of bromine and chlorine vapor. After that the exposition time reduced to one minute, what was quite satisfying result. The portrait photography started to spread after this discovering. In s stereoscopic daguerreotypes was invented. Two pictures were put in one device. With the help of various magnifying glasses or field-glasses each eye of a man was looking at one of the pictures. As a result history of photography essay image seemed to be three-dimensional.

The disadvantage of photos of that time is that impossibility to copy them. To create new picture it was needed to take new photo. The changes in this process happened only with the invention of negative-positive process. William Henry Fox Talbot is a significant person in the history of photography. This Englishman for a very long time worked on his own way of photography taking. Later this method was called Calotype, history of photography essay. It had a lot of its own features. But after putting it in a special solute in a dark room the picture could be transferred on other carrier.

In the process the coloures changed, and eventually he got black and white picture. Talbot took out a patent for his invention, that is why his method of photography taking was not very popular. Mostly such photos were history of photography essay by the inventor only. The main advantage of Calotype was the limitless history of photography essay to make copies from one negative. Photography was developing not only in Europe. Experiments were held in the USA, Russia and even Asia. In Russia photographer Sergei Levitsky made big contribution in photography development. Earlier camera was too big and it was not convenient to transport it. Levitsky replaced the side walls with the cloth. Now camera could be assembled for transportation. Soon new models that could be placed in a small case appeared.

Also significant contribution in the development of photo technics was made by lieutenant Izmailov, history of photography essay. He equipped camera with the system of magazine rifle. It allowed the history of photography essay of the photo tape camera roll. In general camera contained 70 tapes. There was invented the gelatin substance that allowed reducing the exposition time to hundredths of a second. Now it was high time to develop the photo equipment so that it was possible to use such a minimal exposition. Eventually the photography took its modern form. The snapshot was taken with the help of camera. Photo tape was put inside the device.

The picture could be transferred on the photo paper. The history of photography of the 20th century did not develop very rapidly. First of all scientists worked on camera improvement, not photography itself. The exception is the beginning of the 20th century when the possibility of colour photos taking was invented. During the previous century there was created a great number of cameras. It was a brief presentation of the photography history. The technology of photo taking was constantly developed. In the 19th century the invention in this field happened almost every year. Now there is new stage of photography history — digital photography. History of photography essay almost all the giants of the photography technology industry started to produce such cameras.

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As much joy this new discovery made, it also was an uninvited invention and not all people welcomed this exciting discovery. The Daguerreotype was very expensive and each picture was a one off and could not be repeated, and if there is a need for two copies, two cameras would be side by side. By a new era in photgraphy was introduced by Fredrick Scott Archer. He introduced the Collodion process, which reduced exposure time to 2 or 3 seconds. Finally in the next major discovery was made by Dr Richard Maddox, he discoverd the use of the dry plate. This dry plate meant that the a dark room tent was no longer needed or a cumbersome wet- plates. Photography was finally made much more accesible.

This was the beginning of years and years of artistic creativity, memories and a new era to a look into the past. This essay was written by a fellow student. You can use it as an example when writing your own essay or use it as a source, but you need cite it. Explore how the human body functions as one unit in harmony in order to life. Essay Summary of History of Photography. Free Essays - PhDessay. com, Jan 19, Accessed January 7, com , Jan What makes a photographer influential? Photographers capture emotion, represent stories, and convey history. If you look at portraits of modern celebrities, you are likely to come across the name Annie.

Ever since the invention of the earliest camera, technology has rapidly advanced the field of photography, bringing change and improvement to almost every aspect of the art. However, despite all. Kodak stopped marketing film cameras in the developed countries since the advent of the digital cameras. The film-based cameras are now being developed and marketed for countries like China and. Marine Photographer: Hi there, thanks for the kind words happy to help. How long have you been into photography? Since , I've always been interested in photography since the age of. This image by Sarah Ann Loretta can be described as a woman slowly drowning g in water. What makes this image stand out is the atmosphere that is being portrayed.

These were known as Camera Obscuras. They then improved this method by replacing the pinhole with a telescope lens. By the 17th century they even made this system portable in the form of sedan chairs. In the first photo-sensitive compound was discovered completely by accident by Professor J. The mixture consisted chalk, nitric acid, and silver in a flask; and the professor noticed that the side of the flask exposed to sunlight, darkened. Tom Ang After that many significant events. happened that resulted in the cameras we have today. This image was exposed for eight hours and the lens was facing the window of his estate in central France. He discovered silver iodine was more sensitive to the light and needed much less exposure time to create a fixed image. And then in he figured out a way stop the image darkening over time.

He washed the remaining silver iodine away with a solution of salt and water. Andy Grundberg From this photography developed and evolved over time and cameras became extremely convenient and easy to use. It has even branched out into the digital realm allowing endless possibilities to the world of photography. Imagery is such an important part of our everyday lives and photography has created a convenient way to convey an image. Before photography came about the only way of having a permanent image of a person was to have a portrait painted. The only way of creating an image to show the scenery and landscape of a certain era was to have it painted or drawn. Nowadays we can take a snapshot and years later people can see the world as it was today.

Today we use photography frequently in our everyday lives and we are constantly surrounded by images that would not have been possible without photography. Photography is a huge money making industry, from people taking pictures to sell to magazines to portrait photographers taking happy snaps of families at their best. Photography is used as a form of identification, showing us exactly how we are and proving we are who we say. It is used to sell products and advertise almost anything you can think of. It can be used as a learning aid and document scientific processes. Finally photography preserves our memories and gives us something to hold onto.

Some people say the future of photography is entirely digital. The digital world is taking over almost every aspect of our lives, so why not photography? Digital cameras have become extremely affordable and easy to use. I think there will always be a place for traditional film photography in this digital world. When you consider that before we even had photography we had paintings. And although photography took off and expanded greatly as a genre of art we still have paintings and people willing to paint.

However the digital camera is not something to be ignored. It has made life a lot easier for people. It has changed the speed at which an image can be processed and how the image is processed. Also the image can be further manipulated through computer programs such as Photoshop. Hi there, would you like to get such an essay? How about receiving a customized one?

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