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Essay on population explosion wiki

Essay on population explosion wiki

Essay on Books are Our Best Companion Words. Despite these efforts the census revealed no appreciable decrease in the birth rate. Self help groups will be given incentive at village and panchayat level. Call us immediately at 57 for a free minute therapy consultation. Tuesday, 28 August long essay, essay on population explosion wiki. When the population rises then all-natural resources are more exploited than usual. The concept of small family which is being propagated by the government is not only good for the nation but it is also good for the children and the parents.

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One of the most common topics nowadays is population. It is noted that the Census takes place every ten years and this census shows total population, the growth rate of population, the density of population, taking populace and consumers, birth-rate and death-rate, etc. The last census took place in whilst the next was to be held in but due to the COVID pandemic, it is still to take place. Population essay on population explosion wiki is one of the major reasons for the development as well as the exploitation of the country.

When the population rises then all-natural resources are more exploited than usual, essay on population explosion wiki. It is well known that after the Republic of China, India is the most populous country in the world that occupies 2. It shows that every sixth person in the world is an Indian. Well, this is not proud anymore because according to the reports by India would be the first most populated country in the world. Taking the above information into account, here is how you can write an essay on population explosion. Population Explosion is commonly considered a threat and burden on the Earth as it not essay on population explosion wiki leads to more demand but also depletion of natural resources.

The term population Explosion means a rapid increase in the number of people in an area. Moreover, essay on population explosion wiki, this situation is considered as a degradation to the economy of the country. Furthermore, this creates a situation where the economy is not providing proper facilities to its people. Evidently, the countries with the largest population explosion are the poorer nations and are commonly known as developing countries. For example in India, Uttar Pradesh is the most populated state and Lakshadweep is the least populated. Thus it is evident that Hence population explosion is inversely related to the development of that area.

Population Explosion is the root cause for incremental poverty and illiteracy that are social evils. The overpopulation of India is visible on metro stations, airports, railway platforms, roads, highways, bus stops, shopping malls, markets, or even at social or religious gatherings there are crowds of people which makes travel like activities Hectic. The vital cause of population Explosion is the difference between the birth rate which is the number of infants born in a population in a period of time. For example, if 28 births occur per year per individuals, the birth rate is Also Read: Essay on My Hobby. The major cause for the population explosion is the immense gap between the death rate and birth rate, Other than that, there are other factors also which have essay on population explosion wiki to population explosions such as:.

Also Read: Essay on Human Rights. It has rightly been stated that prevention is better than cure. Thus finding the root cause is most vital for the prevention of population Explosion. Therefore the most common factors responsible for population explosion are. Also Read: Essay on Disaster Management. Also Read: Essay on Democracy. Further overpopulation leads to a lack of development and exploitation of resources. India is the second-most populous country but the strength in the global world in various fields cannot be ignored. Furthermore, these problems can be tackled by raising public awareness and organising various strict population control norms. All we need to do is take possible measures and become good citizens of the country. You may enlist the assistance of Leverage Edu specialists to assist you with the application process so that you can realise your goals.

Call us immediately at 57 for a free minute therapy consultation, essay on population explosion wiki. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. One app for all your study abroad needs Download x. One app for all your study abroad needs Know More x. One app for all your study abroad needs. Start your journey, track your progress, grow with the community and so much more. Scan QR Code to Download Leverage Edu App. E Essay. This Blog Includes: Essay on Population Explosion Reasons for Population Explosion essay Impacts of Population Explosion essay Effects of Population Explosion essay Conclusion.

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The major cause for the population explosion is the immense gap between the death rate and birth rate, Other than that, there are other factors also which have led to population explosions such as:. Also Read: Essay on Human Rights. It has rightly been stated that prevention is better than cure. Thus finding the root cause is most vital for the prevention of population Explosion. Therefore the most common factors responsible for population explosion are. Also Read: Essay on Disaster Management. Also Read: Essay on Democracy. Further overpopulation leads to a lack of development and exploitation of resources. India is the second-most populous country but the strength in the global world in various fields cannot be ignored.

Furthermore, these problems can be tackled by raising public awareness and organising various strict population control norms. All we need to do is take possible measures and become good citizens of the country. You may enlist the assistance of Leverage Edu specialists to assist you with the application process so that you can realise your goals. Call us immediately at 57 for a free minute therapy consultation. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. One app for all your study abroad needs Download x.

One app for all your study abroad needs Know More x. One app for all your study abroad needs. Start your journey, track your progress, grow with the community and so much more. Scan QR Code to Download Leverage Edu App. E Essay. This Blog Includes: Essay on Population Explosion Reasons for Population Explosion essay Impacts of Population Explosion essay Effects of Population Explosion essay Conclusion. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Take the first step today. Talk to an expert. You May Also Like. Read More 10 minute read. Being able to write an essay is an integral part of mastering any language. Our family planning program has not brought in the desired results. The department of Family Welfare simply carries out certain statistical exercises and pictures target for various family planning programs like sterilization, vasectomy, tubectomy, pill usage etc.

But while laying down the targets it does not take into consideration several other aspects such as the cost is structured the level of fertility and mortality the level of education the neglect of girl child etc. The target has become an end in itself and not the means for achieving a decline in the birth rate. The Government of India took a serious note of the situation. An all party meeting of M. Ps at New Delhi on December 13, on the issue of wearing those with more than two children from contesting elections in Parliament and state assemblies. Only the CPI and Shivsena backed the proposal. All other parties categorically rejected the proposal. The government has declared the new Population Policy in February A hundred members National Commission on population has been appointed to stabilize the population of India by the year , by regarding late marriages and the birth of girls.

As per new Population Policy the basic education will be made compulsory and free for all. The minimum marriageable age of girls will be raised from 18 years to 20 years. Registration of marriage, pregnancy and birth date will be made compulsory. Self help groups will be given incentive at village and panchayat level. Up to the level of living below poverty will be given rupees for care of infants. The couples living below poverty line will be included in the health insurance scheme if the size of their family is small. To sum the new population policy contains nothing new and it would be futile to call it a true work plan. The problem of population explosion can be solved effectively if proper approach and right policies are adopted.

The population growth can be effectively checked by resorting to social and economic development programs. Health services need improvement, particularly in the rural areas. Poverty needs to be eradicated. Various family tag programs should be propagated through radio, T. and film strips etc. The population related problems can be solved to a great extent by providing education facilities in the rural areas. The mothers should also be encouraged to prolong breast feeding which is known to delay the next pregnancy. If our country has to become strong and prosperous, the ever increasing talon has to be checked at all costs. Corruption in family planning programs has to be eradicated.

Family planning devices need vigorous propagation through various means of communication. The education facilities have to be extended to every nook and corner of the country. People having more than two children should be made ineligible to contest elections. China's 'One Child Plan' should be implemented in the country as early as possible. Family Planning program has to become a people movement. The initiative has to come from the side of general masses because ultimately they have to suffer due to rise in population. Government cannot do it alone. Author: Admin Etiam at libero iaculis, mollis justo non, blandit augue. Blog Comments Facebook Comments 0 comments:. Search Blog. Popular Posts. Essay on Duties of A Student for Class 6, 7, 8, 9, Essay on Duties of A Student for Class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Introduction - A student is the future of a country.

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