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One child policy essay

One child policy essay

There is no quick remedy that will fix this problem overnight for the Chinese countries. How the Chinese Economy Works: A Multiregional Overview. China country gender review. As a result of this, the one child policy essay of many females have been in danger. Cultures Take a Day in Words: Length: 6 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper : This consideration of proper course is not an entertainment, not an exercise of intellect, as over time became the case of the Forty-seven Ronin.

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Feeling stuck when writing an essay on One Child Policy? If you are unable to get started on your task and need some inspiration, then you are in the right place. One Child Policy essays require a range of skills including understanding, interpretation and analysis, planning, research and writing. To write an effective essay on One Child Policy, you need to examine the question, understand its focus and needs, obtain information and evidence through research, then build a clear and organized answer, one child policy essay. Browse our samples and select the most compelling topic as an example for your own! The one-child policy was a population planning initiative in China implemented between and to curb the country's growth by restricting many families to a single child.

It had wide-ranging social, cultural, and economic effects. He felt that the only way for China to get back on its feet was to become industrialized and that China would need manpower …, one child policy essay. China One Child Policy State philosophy of the s was that a large population gave a strong nation, so high birth rate was encouraged, one child policy essay, as well as this during that time death rate fell due to better supply of food and medicine. Inall …. One child policy has been in effect in China for more than thirty years. However, during the recent several years, the controversy of whether the government should abolish the one child policy has been debated widely among government officials as well as ordinary people.

The initial policy that was put into place was much stricter than the policy most people are familiar with now. This …. The social welfare concern I chose for analysis is the growing concern for affordable daycare in the United States. One …. In the mid-twentieth century, the Chinese government believed that a large population would turn China into a strong nation. The people were encouraged to have large families. However, this resulted in a population increase of 55 million every three years. With the massive population increase, …. A variety of social policies aimed at controlling population change have been established around the world. But in this answer I will be evaluating a very controversial example of a policy that aimed to tackle rapid population growth by reducing fertility rate one child policy essay known as ….

The regulation of population via forced abortions, forced sterilizations, infanticide, and government programs does one child policy essay only hurt the economy, but continuously damages it to a point of weakness …. In a personal quest for enhancing and developing oneself in general so as his or her innate talents will actually determine the possibilities of the future of the said individual whereas it will actually …. Like other ancient river valley civilizations, these two rivers provided early Chinese settlers with the raw materials necessary to sustain culture and society. Burgeoning …. It is the social responsibility of the government to reliably provide for the basic needs of its citizens.

This is of particular importance in one child policy essay sustainable and equitable social and economic development in the community. Abortion China Family Marriage One Child Policy, one child policy essay. China one child policy China One Child Policy State philosophy of the s was that a large population gave a strong nation, one child policy essay, so high birth rate was encouraged, as well as this during that time death rate fell due to better supply of food and medicine. China Family One Child Policy Women. One Child Policy Should Be Abolished One child policy has been in effect in China for more than thirty years.

China Family One Child Policy Poverty. Hire a subject expert to help you with. China Family One Child Policy Population. Childcare Policy Proposal The social welfare concern I chose for analysis is the growing concern for affordable daycare in the United States. Childhood Family Government One Child Policy Poverty Welfare. Chinas one child policy In the mid-twentieth century, the Chinese government believed that a large population would turn China into a strong nation. Family One Child Policy. China — the aims and effects of the one child policy A variety of social policies aimed at controlling population change have been established around the world. China One Child Policy Population. Birth Control China One Child Policy Women. Government Mental Disorder One Child Policy.

China Future One Child Policy Pollution Water. Government One Child Policy Teaching. A social analysis of Child Support Policy in the U. S It is the social responsibility of the government to reliably provide for one child policy essay basic needs of its citizens. Divorce Government Justice One Child Policy. Related one child policy essay on One Child Policy National Security Imperialism Patriotism Democracy International Relations Constitution Civilization Domestic Civil Disobedience Citizen Evidence Jail Illegal Immigration Community Monarchy Infrastructure Borders Culture Governance Customs, one child policy essay. FAQ What are the benefits of one child policy?

China's original one-child policy was finally ended in This policy had several advantages. It allowed for many groups to either be exempted entirely or made exceptions. Ethnic minorities could now have more children. Families that have a girl could be allowed to have another child. What was bad about the one child policy? China's demographics are affected by the one child policy. Not Finding What You Need? Save time and let our verified experts help you. Hire writer.

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There are other beliefs that seem to have an impact on reproductive behavior among Chinese couples. Tang, Since Confucianism advocates sexual restraint and asceticism, marriage is seen as a vehicle for reproduction rather than a means of enjoying sex. Secondly families are considered very significant because of ancestor worship. Since ancestors are revered in Chinese culture, having a family is always the motivating force behind…. References Tang Z. Infanticide in China In , the United Nations Population Fund published a study that argued there were 60 million "missing" girls in Asia, a direct result of female infanticide Karabin, Infanticide, by definition, is the unlawful killing of very young children, and in some cultures this practice is conducted against female babies in particular.

The result is that countries like China have a serious population imbalance, with many more males than females BBC, This paper will examine the issue of female infanticide in China, its causes and what potential solutions there might be to this serious problem. Confucianism Lee notes that female infanticide has long been practiced in China. riting just after the introduction of the one-child policy in China, Lee notes that "this form of discrimination against women…persisted in varying degrees over hundreds of years. Works Cited: BBC. Female infanticide. British Broadcasting Corporation. Retrieved October 31, f rom.

This paper reviews the circumstances of the economic advancement that both countries have made, and establishes that these nations became economic powerhouses due to the sheer size of their economies -- along with the strategies they employed. The Indian economy has been among the "fastest growing economies" in the world since the late s, according to Kunal Sen, writing in the peer-reviewed journal Contemporary South Asia. He insists that most experts in "the international financial press" are incorrect when they assert that the Indian economy began to accelerate following the "radical economic reforms of " Sen, , p. In fact, Sen writes, the gross domestic product GDP per capita began to rise "…in the late s, and has kept on steadily increasing over….

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Four parenting styles named authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, and uninvolved are discussed in detail. This paper also discusses parenting style of Canada, Japan and China in contrast with Baumrind's theory of parenting. All the impacts and influences on parenting style are deeply studied and discussed. Early years of learning in a child's life is believed to make a significant difference in the way they develop and go on to learn throughout their lives Kim, Developmental psychologists have been making research about the role played by parents and its impact on child development. However, developing a cause-and-effect link between parents behavior and brought up and its impact on child behavior and attitude is a relatively tough….

References Golombok, S. Parenting: What Really Counts? new york: Routledge. Kim, M. Parental Involvement, Family Processes, and Parenting Styles of First Generation Korean parents on early childhood education. New York: Umi. Nevid, J. Psychology: Concepts and Applications. New York: wadsworth. Pressley, M. Child And Adolescent Development for Educators. New York: Guilford Publications. For China to ensure its oil security, it must obtain oil from the global world because it lacks adequate domestic resources to quench the thirsty appetite of the country's rapid economic development. Any approach for growth that the country takes in its demand for oil is likely to affect the global oil market and influence existing system and order of international oil.

As one of its oil strategy, China's firms are reaching every corner of the world to purchase oil or invest in oil fields showing to have opportunities disregarding the possible enormous risks. Some of China's national oil enterprises have made outstanding investment activities in African countries Ma, Today, China's largest imports from Africa continue…. References Bhaumik, T. Old China's new economy: The conquest of a billion paupers. New Delhi: SAGE. Brewer, J. Convergence: illicit networks and national security in the age of globalization. Published for the Center for Complex Operations Institute for National Strategic Studies By National Defense University Press Washington, D.

Buss, T. African security and the African command: Viewpoints on the U. role in Africa. Sterling, VA: Kumarian Press. Cheung, Y. The evolving role of China in the global economy. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press. Business Environemnt of China Main issues in the case The case points to China's unprecedented growth and expansion on the world stage vis-a-vis business performance. Many observers expect China to become the economic superpower of the future replacing America in that role. China started off with supreme difficulties and it was only in the post-Deng period that it has overcome its challenges. Problems that it faces however exist in conjunction with its political and democratic system. The question of whether these elements will or will not impede China from achieving world dominance is one that occupies many observers.

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In the largest part of current concern of Monu publication, phenomenon of nail houses in China has been brought on board by one fellow who unintentionally seems to have the unruffled noun name in history Human u. And this…. Work Cited Black, R. Hijacked by Climate Change? Environmental Economics and Management: Theory, policy and applications. Andover: Cengage Learning. Lim, L. Reflections The United States and China as today's political and economic world leaders still suffer from the consequences of gender inequality and inequity. Combined economic, sociological and historical factors hamper and resist the achievement of equality between the sexes. Man's dominance for thousands of years will be strenuous to eliminate or minimize.

It will not be an easy achievement but, nonetheless, an ideal objective for which every man and every woman on earth should pursue unrelentingly. China country gender review. World ank. pdf Gaddis, R. Gender Equality in the United States. Associated Content: Associated Content, Inc. shtml Haussman, R. et al. The global gender gap report. World Economic Forum: Weforum. pdf Jordans, F. slips in gender equality survey. World Bank. World Economic Forum:. However, while it may have exercised some control on the distribution aspect of culture and art, it has largely remained ineffective as far as control on the consumption front was concerned.

In general terms literature has always been an important item of culture and art. In recent times, more and more current authors are exploring modern literature. Towards this end, geographical boundaries no longer act like a limiting factor. As a matter of fact, this is increasingly becoming a competitive frontier amongst contemporary authors. Chinese authors, who have been missing in action in this particular case, are catching up. In addition to…. The majority ethnic group Han Chinese constitutes There is though a significant social and cultural disparity between urban and rural populations.

Urban China is relatively modern, with many conveniences…. html Goldberg, Jonah. When inquired to share their views whether it is going to be encouraging or damaging in case China assumed to be "considerably having more potential on the economic front compared to today, " in sixteen nations nearly the majority of 11 nations or a multitude of 5 nations witness it as encouraging. There is also a divided opinion in two nations - the U. And Germany. Dow Jones Indexes who carried out…. References Adler, Solomon. The Chinese Economy. Monthly Review Press, Ash, Robert F; Kueh, Y. The Chinese Economy under Deng Xiaoping. Oxford University, Charng, Kao. The trend of Economic development of mainland china in the 21st Century.

Accessed on 16 May, Guo, Rongxing. How the Chinese Economy Works: A Multiregional Overview. Martin's Press, that shows no signs of letting up. Moreover, an examination of the overall context of globalized society in the 21st century will help the company to determine whether this investment would be particularly strategic at this time or not. While the general business environment in China in the widest sense is positive, there are a number of obstacles that Western companies face when attempting to enter the Chinese market. Cultural and institutional challenges make up the bulk of these obstacles, but, as other companies have overcome them in the past with the right approach, it….

Six weeks after that public relations disaster for RC2 Toys, other toy company, Fisher-Price, was obliged to recall "nearly 1 million of its most popular character toys, also because of lead paint," Field continues. Not long after those embarrassing recalls, Mattel and Fisher-Price announced "three more recalls from China" Field, When an adult item is recalled, it doesn't make as big a negative splash as when items for children are recalled, so the toy industry was truly rocked by these events. One can also factor in the American economic downturn at the time of these above-mentioned recalls; that is, when people are out of work by the millions, and many are having their homes foreclosed, to have one's hard-earned dollars spend on a product that might sicken family members is doubly impactful on the negative side of the ledger.

Field explains that the recalls have had a "far-reaching…. Bibliography Adams, Duncan. Fasteners in the railings can work loose,' Roanoke Times, Retrieved August 5, , from EBSCOHost. BBC News. Canadian Press. Retrieved August 5, , from TOPICsearch. De Melim, , 'Can we trust Chinese manufactured furniture? There is little doubt that China's international standing was clearly badly damaged by its government's mishandling of the SARS epidemic. On July 21, , Dr. Bates Gill, Freeman Chair in China Studies Committee on House International Relations Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific, stated official Chinese estimates show China now has roughly , persons living with the HIV virus and as of the end of , only 62, persons had been tested and officially confirmed to be HIV-positive.

Works Cited China. World Health Organization. Accessed 16 November review of evidence: China's path to better health and development. Accessed 16 November The Specter of SARS: China's failure to contain severe acute respiratory syndrome has economic causes and consequences. World and I. Rask, Kolleen J. Healthcare Reform in Transitional China: Its Impact on Accounting and Financial Management. Research in Healthcare Financial Management. China The Dilemma of a Ethical Practices and Profitability of Trading with China China continues to have one of the world's strongest and most resilient economies, achieving a Despite the rationalization that this significant amount of investment is necessary for clean energy primary research, the rationalization is weak when compared to the many economic challenges and hardships the U.

continues to face Pennington, Arguably China could more afford to provide foreign aid to the U. References Ho, C. Consideration of the Role of Guanxi in the Ethical Judgments of Chinese Managers. Journal of Business Ethics, 96 2 , Some empirical evidence of Chinese accounting system and business management practices from an ethical perspective. Journal of Business Ethics, 42 4 , Lawrence, W. A Cluster Approach towards Enhancing Chinese- American Trade Opportunities. International Journal of Business and Management, 5 2 , Pennington, M. Lawmakers scrutinize u. foreign aid to china. Washington Times. Foreign Policy of China Beijing consensus Structure of Chinese Foreign Policy The "Chinese Model" of Investment The "Beijing Consensus" as a Competing Framework Operational Views The U.

Mutual Defense Assistance Control Act Category B Category C The Trade Act. The Operational Consequences of Chinese Foreign Policy The World Views and China Beijing consensus Expatriates The Managerial Practices Self Sufficiency of China Beijing consensus China and western world: A comparison The China Beijing consensus 's Policy of Trading Specialized Goods Chapter 5 The versions of China Beijing consensus 's trade development The China Beijing consensus Theory of Power Transition eferences Foreign Policy of China Beijing consensus Chapter 1 Abbreviations ACD arms control and disarmament ACDA Arms Control and Disarmament Agency ADB Asian Development Bank ADF Asian Development Fund APEC Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation AF ASEAN [Association of Southeast….

References Barnett, A. China Beijing consensus and the Major Powers in East Asia. Washington, DC: The Brookings Institution. Moscow-Peking Axis: Strengths and Strains 1st ed. Chapter 6 India: A Balancer Power?. In Southeast Asia under the New Balance of Power, Chawla, S. New York: Praeger. Southeast Asia under the New Balance of Power. The State has also established a string of both general and specific policies for improving and developing special education and set aside special funds for this purpose. Consequently, just like regular education, special education has also developed rapidly. Although local governments are encouraged to provide compulsory education to children with and without disabilities, the enacted policies do not necessitate that education be provided to all students.

Despite the fact that students with disabilities were earlier educated in special schools, China has adopted new channels of special education including the integration of disabled children into general education classes. Currently, the number of disabled children enrolled in schools has continued to experience a big increase since Although many articles in the laws formulated by the Chinese government call for the overall education of handicapped children, special education for children with autism or severe disabilities is not directly mentioned in these policies…. References: Baker, M.

China's Bid for World Domination. China's Special Education: A Comparative Analysis. The s the period when onald eagan was the U. President witnessed a series of government measures targeting environmental regulations. This resulted in public outrage against the anti-environmental policies of the government leading to a renewed interest in nature clubs and groups and the formation of radical groups who led strong movements to protect the environment. vii the post- eagan resurgence s onwards - President Bush and President Clinton did not take the radical stance of their predecessor. However, President George W. Bush has taken many measures which have weakened the environmental movement instead of strengthening it. This includes opposing curbs on greenhouse emissions via the Kyoto Protocol, supporting oil drilling in the ANW or Arctic National Wildlife ange, weakening clean air standards and lifting the ban on logging in forests.

Discuss the values of the dominant social paradigm…. References Bocking, Stephen. Nature's Experts: Science, Politics, and the Environment. Rutgers University Press. Palmer, Mike. Pathways of Nutrients in the Ecosystem - Pathways of elements in ecosystem. htm Redclift, M. R; Woodgate, Graham. The International Handbook of Environmental Sociology. Edward Elgar Publishing, Schmidtz, David; Willott, Elizabeth. Environmental Ethics: What Really Matters, what Really Works. Oxford University Press U. Heckscher-Ohlin explain China's Trade? Introductory Paragraph The Heckscher-Ohlin Theorem, essentially, states that a capital-abundant country will export capital-intensive goods, whilst a labor-abundant country will export labor-intensive goods.

The following essay suggests that contemporary USA and China follow the pattern of the Heckscher-Ohlin Theorem where America, low in unskilled human labor but high in capital and agriculture, exports those goods in quantity, whereas China, low in capital but rich in unskilled human labor, exports those resources. Focusing on China, the essay traces China's current economic policies and patterns of trade in order to establish whether China's pattern of trade is consistent with the predictions of Heckscher-Ohlin. Statement of the Problem The Heckscher-Ohlin Theorem states that a capital-abundant country will export capital-intensive goods, whilst a labor-abundant country will export labor-intensive goods.

The following essay wonders whether China's economic policies and system, in general, and the Chinese-U. trade routine, in particular, coheres with…. The fact that communism still dominates affairs in the country can limit or discourage foreign investors. The masses no longer express interest in U. cultural values because it appears that the U. This enabled China to step forward and pose into a body that no longer had problems because of its communist background and that was ready to join other international actors in assisting society progress. The fact that China progressed significantly while the U. Fair play is one of the main points of interest at this point, as "the concern in Southeast Asia is that the United States, rather than accommodating to a….

Works cited: Brook, Daniel, "Modern Revolution: Social Change and Cultural Continuity in Czechoslovakia and China," University Press of America Fitzgerald, Charles Patrick, , "The birth of Communist China," Michigan University Li, Mingjiang, , "Soft Power: China's Emerging Strategy in International Politics," Lexington Books Tang, Wenfang and Holzner, Burkart "Social Change in Contemporary China: C. Yang and the Concept of Institutional Diffusion" University of Pittsburgh Pre. Walmart is one of the world's largest, most successful, and most vilified corporations. In addition, Walmart is one the largest private employers in both the United States and Canada Walmart corporate and financial facts, What makes Walmart particularly noteworthy is that it achieved its current level of success in retailing, and no other retailers have come close to being as influential or large Shaw.

Notwithstanding its economic success, Walmart has also been the source of significant amounts of criticism because of the low wages it pays as well as its adverse impact on small businesses in the cities and towns in which it competes. To determine the facts about…. Wild Swans: Three Daughters of China Wild Swans is the story of three generations of women in China in the 20th century. The author is Jung Chang: her autobiography comprises the last third section of the book; the first two sections are devoted to telling the story of her grandmother Yu-Fang and her mother Bao Qin. Instead of writing a straight autobiography, Chang chose to begin her story two generations back—the purpose being to provide not only personal historical context but also a sense of the cultural historical context in which her family came into being.

Federoff has in the past been an advocate of widespread use of genetically modified foods, vehemently disagreeing with opponents on the issue: "We wouldn't think of going to our doctor and saying, 'Treat me the way doctors treated people in the 19th Century, and yet that's what we're demanding in food production. The trust of which Porritt is a part, Optimum Population Trust OPT , released data last year suggesting UK population be cut to 30 million persons in favor of sustainability. The represents a fifty percent cut in the UK population. Whether or not an economic downturn has caused Porrit to rehash his…. Angelo Epifani drove his car into my daughter, killing her instantly. The driver left the scene of the accident, likely fearing the repercussions and unable to face the consequences.

My daughter was left lying on the street in the middle of the night, alone, to die. Her name was Jiao Shiqi. She was only 20 years old when she died, a delightful, kind, intelligent, and sweet girl. Jiao Shiqi had her whole life ahead of her. She had immigrated to Canada not long before her untimely death. The courage it must have taken Jiao Shiqi to move to a foreign country alone was remarkable, but she handled it so well that she made friends nearly the minute she disembarked from the plane: flight AC direct from Beijing to Toronto Pearson. Her marks at Columbia International College were so good, that Jiao Shiqi was planning on completing her college degree at…. Lastly, the gender gap has meant that males need to engage in more intense competition for females.

As a result, money has become a more important means of attracting females ei, These different factors combined to push more rural Chinese into the cities in search of better work. This in turn kept the cost of labor down, fueling intense economic growth that kept the unemployment rate in urban areas down. Even with the recent economic downturn, official unemployment rates for urban China were at just 4. It should be noted that the official unemployment rates belie the reality of China's economy, which features tens of millions of…. The Effect of China's One-Child Policy after 25 Years. New England Journal of Medicine. For example,. The Chinese government contracted with GE to provide cart-mounted ultrasound that could be run on generators so that the most obscure village had access to fetal sex determination.

Given the ability to know the sex of their unborn children, many parents aborted female fetuses. Many regulations attempt to guard against sex determination abortion, but evidence shows that there has been an increase in the use of ultrasound B machines, which determines the sex of fetuses Short, In rural areas, many families simply hide their female children or give them to nearby families in order to avoid reporting the births. Sadly, some girls are just abandoned and left to die Zilberberg, There are several negative side effects of the one-child policy.

China does not have a national social security plan. Taking care of the older generations will fall upon the one-child generation. Persons over the age of 65 currently make up about 25 percent of the population. Consequently, a one child will be responsible for taking care of four grandparents and two parents. These children have been called the spoiled generation because they are doted by parents and grandparents. The rise in childhood obesity has been linked to this syndrome. One in every five Chinese children is obese Zhan, China has been traditionally known for great health and dietary practices.

A final consequence of the one-child policy has been the difficulty of men to find a woman to marry. A direct result of this scenario is the increase in trade and sell of kidnapped women. To date, about , have been freed during crackdowns by Chinese government in Vietnamese and North Korea. It is believed that this increase in sex ratio imbalance will lead to the increase in sex related crimes and violence Fong, There are several steps that the Chinese government can take to remedy the many problems that the one-child policy has created. This would eliminate mothers aborting female children. Another remedy for the problem is to relax or eliminate the one-child policy. Relaxing the policy would allow families in certain areas to have more than one child to help balance the sex ratio.

In other words, in areas where men greatly outnumber women, parents would be able to have more than one child. Yet, eliminating the policy could possibly fix the problem. This would allow nature to take its course and over time the problem would be eliminated. Finally, enacting a two-child policy would help increase the decreasing female population. There is no quick remedy that will fix this problem overnight for the Chinese countries. When couples are allowed to have two children, it might discourage them from discriminating against female babies Fong, A two child policy will allow will double the birth rate and close the gap of children to parent to grandparent gap.

This will take time and will require some drastic changes in the way Chinese society views females. Through education, women will continue to fight for equality and hopefully, parents will one day value female children just as much as they value male children. Finally, an incentive program could be implemented. First time parents who have a female child could be given some type of monetary incentives and allowed to have a second child. However, the second child will not receive the monetary incentive regardless to its sex.

However, if the parents have a boy the first time and a girl the second time, they could still receive the monetary incentive. This would encourage a balance between the sexes and parents would not prefer one sex over the other. Many have accused the Chinese government performing forced abortions on women who were past the abortion cut off limit. Many of the forced abortions are carried out on unmarried women. Ones interaction and time spent with siblings produce memories that last a life time. Lack of this connection will definitely affect the dynamics of family life.

Much research has been done to determine how sibling structure, or the lack of structure, affects individuals in adulthood. According to this ideology, when a person dies, his spirit and blood remain in the word within his offspring. Traditionally, Chinese families desire large families and emphasis male dominance. Consequently, gender inequality is deep rooted in Chinese culture. China, along with many other societies, constrains women to the home. Men are the primary source of income for their families Wong, Throughout centuries, China has been battling with overpopulation, one of the biggest issues that the nation has been faced with, forcing the government to enforce the one-child policy. The desire to control the rapidly growing population dates back to the Mao Zedong era where the population number was at a ripe million people Stycos, What he did not realize at the time was that too many mouths bring hardship, poverty, and paucity of food supplies.

In , the Chinese government decided to enforce a policy that would help minimize the growth of their population McDonald, The one-child policy was what they thought would solve the problem. Married couples would have to sign an agreement known as the one-child certificate. This certificate served as a contract between the couple and the Chinese Government stating that the couples and the one child that they have will be granted economic and educational advantages in return for promising not to have more than one child Audubon, Since each couple is allowed one child, the gender of that child determines whether or not it stays in China as part of the family. Since the beginning of time, females were always seen as being inferior to males in any society.

In China, when a female is born, especially first, there are many different choices the couple must make. First of all, are they willing to keep the child since it is the only one they can legally keep? If the couple decides that the child they want is a male, they must decide on what to do with this child. What happens to the child ranges from giving them up to state orphanages to murder. Due to the enforcement of the one-child policy, many female children end up in orphanages Beijing Review, Being put into an orphanage in our society would give the child a chance to live and maybe even be adopted by another family. In China, the conditions in the orphanages are so filthy that the neglect that they would have at home if the couple decided to keep the female would be better than the maltreatment they would receive.

Many female children end up in orphanages in China rarely having males occupy them unless there was something wrong with the child. Each month 90 percent from 50 to 60 baby girls arrive in one of the many orphanages and end their lives their Choe, The children sit on bamboo benches with their hands and feet tied to the armrests and legs of the chair.

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