During the event, bombs were positioned in proximity to the race's finish line. Dee offers hope that the next generation of African-Americans do not live with the scourge of poverty. Jackendoff, everyday use essay, R. Mama in turn argues that she hopes Maggie does put them to everyday use, and that she can always make more since she knows how to quilt. Lancker-Sidtis, D. PBS Newshour.
Everyday Use by a. Walker Order Alice Walker There have and are well-known authors that literature students are introduced to and discussed because of the intensity, reasons, persona, and literary devices that the authors add to works they publish. Using writing techniques, like Alice Walker has done in "Everyday Use" she originally wrote inshe sets the scene from a place in her time when she was living life and facing the facts and realities of prejudice people in America that were directly mean to her for being an African-American. However, when Walker went to these extremes for her readers, she became one of many of the bestselling novelists everyday use essay which some of her work turned in to motion pictures like her major fiction The Color Purple A Native to Georgia, Walker, as an African-American her main themes to the stories she chose to write about had a lot….
Instead, everyday use essay, Wangero continues to only see that her name is a reminder that African-Americans were denied their authentic names. Walker is not by any means condemning the Black Power movement when she challenges Wangero's viewpoint. Instead, she is questioning that part of this movement that does not acknowledge and, more importantly, respect the scores of oppressed African-Americans who went through decades of physical and emotional abuse in order to survive, give birth to and raise future generations -- of which Dee is one.
Instead, everyday use essay, Walker is emphasizing that it should not only be those involved with the Black Power movement who should define African-American heritage. Wangero also dresses in the Africanism fads, thereby only looking like an American who is trying…. References Christian, Barbara, T. Alice Walker: The Black Woman Everyday use essay as Wayward. New Jersey: Rutgers UP, Cowart, David. Walker, Alice, everyday use essay. Literature: Reading Fiction, Poetry, Drama and the Essay. Everyday Use by Alice alker The thematic richness of "Everyday Use" is made possible by the perceptive, everyday use essay flexible voice of the first-person narrator.
It is the mother's viewpoint that permits the reader to understand both Dee and Everyday use essay. Seen from a distance, both young women seem stereotypical - one a smart but rather ruthless college girl, everyday use essay, the other a sweet but ineffectual homebody, everyday use essay. The close everyday use essay of the mother redeems Dee and Maggie, as characters, from triteness. In addition to the skillful use of the viewpoint, "Everyday Use" is enriched with the development of symbols by Alice alker.
Through careful descriptions and settings of the characters in the story, alker confronts the question of what is the true value of one's culture and heritage. In the conflict between Dee and her mother, alker shows that one's culture and heritage is everyday use essay represented by the external appearances everyday use essay possession of…. Works Cited Walker, Alice Everyday Use. Everyday Use Women Writers Volume edited and introduced by Barbara T. Rutgers University Press Everyday Use. Dee is not interested in family history; she is interested in making an artistic statement. The discussion of the butter churn is merely a prelude to the big everyday use essay over the quilts. The quilts are sewn together of fabrics from ancestors' clothing.
This association makes them important reminders of family to Maggie and Mama. However, these two see the practical or everyday value of the items as well. Mama intends to give them to Maggie upon her wedding, everyday use essay. Dee is aghast at the suggestion, everyday use essay. Mama and Maggie see these heirlooms as items that should be used as well as important reminders of the past. Dee only sees their monetary everyday use essay artistic value. Near the end of the story, Dee declares…. However what the older generation knew about the worth of heritage had somehow escaped the youth. The elders felt that adoption of culture and heritage made more sense when it had an impact on a person's way of thinking and their lifestyle.
Dee, with a more modern approach towards heritage, felt an identity based on it could be adopted with the adoption of 'things' connected with her ancestors' culture. For example, at one point, she decides to change her name from Dee to Wangero saying, "I couldn't stand it anymore, being named everyday use essay the people that oppress me. This was indeed not the approach that older generation approved of. This led to identity crisis for many young African-American people in s as they failed to appreciate their present reality as Americans and…. The solid fact that Sister has remained a fixture in the house and should have the greater claim to her mother's attention is dazzled away by the return of Stella-Rondo. The mother's indecision and vacillation is somewhat comic as she continues to insist that "I prefer to take my children's word for anything when it's humanly possible" 5.
Deciding which child to believe is her character's conflict. Because elty portrays her as a weak character who would rather slap her daughter than hear the truth, it is not a surprise that she takes the path of least resistance and sides with the flashy Stella-Rondo. Her vain foolishness provides a sardonic comedy that colors the tone of the story. An important difference in the styles of both stories is that they exist for different purposes. Alice alker's story makes an argument for things to remain the same in the lives and…, everyday use essay. Works Cited Cassill, R. Norton Anthology of Short Fiction, 4th Edition. New York: W. Norton and Company, Welty, Eudora. Cultural Impacts in Everyday Use The objective of this study is to examine the work of Alice Walker entitled "Everyday Use" and the how culture impacts values and material objects and the manner in which culture in reality impacts people and their lifestyle.
The work of Alice Walker entitled "Everyday Use" examines the connotations of culture on material objects. The story involves a woman named Dee who is disgusted with what she sees as a historical oppression in her own family. For this reason, Dee rejects her own cultural heritage and creates what she sees as a new cultural heritage in her own life. In her story it is reported that Alice Walker "takes up what is a recurrent theme in her work: the representation of the harmony as well as the conflicts and struggles within African-American culture. Bibliography Eshbaugh, R. Yahoo Voices. htm Everyday Use nd Alice Walker. Mama and Maggie's values are simple, their goals mundane yet uplifting at the same time.
Dee, on the other hand, is full of spunk and ambition. She views the quilts as if they were anthropological artifacts, everyday use essay, remnants not of her grandmother but from some lost civilization. Dee, renamed Wangero, wanted to hang the quilts everyday use essay the wall like art. Her desire parallels her creative streak and her wacky way of dressing. The conflict of characters in "Everyday Use" helps Walker execute her central theme of the remarkable changes taking place in everyday use essay Black community in America, everyday use essay.
Dee offers hope that the next generation of African-Americans do not live with the scourge of poverty. Everyday use essay, her hopes are not necessarily grounded in reality and the author portrays Dee as being idealistic and naive. Maggie remains close to her mother and to the day-to-day realities of Black life in America. Through their…. hile she away, she changes her name to "angero Leewanika Kemanjo" because she will not endure "being named after the people who oppress me" She is concerned with herself and she seems to only come home to take things back with her, including things like a butter dish and dasher.
hen she decides she wants the quilts, she sees no reason why she should not have them, noting "Maggie can't appreciate these quilts! Mama suddenly realizes how selfish Dee is when she thinks she deserves certain things because she thinks she can appreciate them more than anyone else can. She moved away to become enlightened and returned a snob. She wants to use every experience, past and present, to enhance her feigned future. She does not care about her family in the least and Maggie's handing over the quilts demonstrates this to the fullest.
Works Cited Piedmont-Marton, Elisabeth. Gale Resource Database. Site Accessed Everyday use essay 27, com Web. Life Lessons in "Everyday Use" and "The Story of an Hour" Man never seems to learn everything he wants because it seems with every generation, the same lessons need to be learned all over again. Experience is the best teacher, as we all know, but it is interesting to see how some things have changed over the years while others have not. Modernity allows people to have more freedom, as we see with Alice alker's short story, "Everyday Use. However, just as man seems to make forward strides, some things never change. One of those things is the fact that man has never harnessed the ability to see things as everyday use essay really are. This inability causes many heartaches because many times, we see only what we want to see.
Kate Chopin's story, "The Story…. Work Cited Walker, Alice. New York W. Norton and Company. The quilt is also strongly associated with the African-American tradition and therefore all the more significant. hile the mother and Maggie are capable of actually making the quilts, Dee or angero is obsessed with having them and possessing them as a symbol of her identity. Her obsession with everything African is obviously harmful. She believes that emphasizing the past and storing up traditions is what the present is actually made of: "It's really a new day for us. But from the way you and Mama still live you'd never know it. Heritage is…. Works Cited X.
disrespect essay
Doctors face cash flow problems with Medicare. Fort Worth Business Press, 22 47 , Delgado, C. A Survey of Current Valued Academic Leadership Qualities in Nursing. Nursing Education Perspectives, 37 1 , Dana is a young and beautiful woman with family members that seem to constantly put her down whenever they get together. They appear to be self-centered and attention seeking. The mother has set expectations she places on her family and seems angry whenever they do not meet those expectations. For example, the mother suggested Dana get breast enlargement surgery to appease her boyfriend Matt. Her sister, Joanie also commented on Dana's appearance, making sure to let Dana know she appeared overweight or had a large rear end. These comments can and do affect people's self-esteem especially when the source of such comments are from people that person loves or is supposed to trust.
Dana takes everything and says nothing, agreeing with the remarks and feeling like she truly is overweight even if objectively people see her as very attractive. She also cannot say how she feels even around her boyfriend. References Arendt, K. Homework Adherence and Cognitive Behaviour Treatment Outcome for Children and Adolescents with Anxiety Disorders. Behavioural And Cognitive Psychotherapy, 44 02 , Effectiveness of Solution-Focused Brief Therapy: A Systematic Qualitative Review of Controlled Outcome Studies. Research On Social Work Practice, 23 3 , Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Contextual Behavioral Science: Examining the Progress of a Distinctive Model of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy.
Behavior Therapy, 44 2 , The Efficacy of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: A Review of Meta-analyses. Cognitive Therapy And Research, 36 5 , In order to do this, they used music, good environments, art, and other types of "cultural" productions to alleviate the stress in the individual's life and provide a better balance of confidence and ability in the person's psyche. This is the main idea of the study by the researchers ilbur et al. They elaborate on this idea by highlighting the effectiveness of dance as a treatment modality, stating that "dance is one of the most synchronized activities in which humans engage, and its neural substrates are….
Works Cited Wilbur, Sarah, et al. Technology Boston Bombings The Use of Technology in the Boston Bombings Investigations The Boston Marathon bombing incident was an act of terror that took place on April 15th, during the annual Boston Marathon. During the event, bombs were positioned in proximity to the race's finish line. The bombs killed two individuals and injured over two hundred fifty others would where close by. Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and Tamerlan Tsarnaev were the primary suspects in the case that were identified by the Federal Bureau of Investigations FBI.
A day after the bombings a massive manhunt ensued to find the individuals. However, one of the interesting aspects about the case is how the FBI was able to identify the suspects. An unprecedented amount of digital data was available for use and the FBI and other organizations utilized crowdsourcing techniques to help funnel through the data. The advent of digital technologies coupled with the…. References Bio. Edward Snowden Biography. After Action Report for the Response to the Boston Marathon Bombings. Johnson, C.
Scientist's game helps map the brain. html Kelly, H. After Boston: The pros and cons of surveillance cameras. Bakshi, B. Accounting for ecosystem services in life cycle assessment by co-LCA: Advances in methodology and software. Paper to be presented at the Annual Conference of the 11th Global Congress of Process Safety on April in Austin, Texas. The authors explain the role of ecosystem goods and services in the support of economic activities, and the relation of the use of ecosystem goods and services to sustainability. The variety of ecosystem goods and services is broad, however, most sustainability methods have not considered their contribution well.
Consider that these are all ecosystem goods or services that play a role in sustainability: 1 The provisioning of water, food, and biomass; 2 the regulation of pests…. Ecological accounting is a particular version of external reporting that focuses on the conversion of monetary environmental costs to physical flows. The practicality of this approach to accounting is that environmental impacts are expressed in terms of measures of emissions and discharges. The value-add of products and services is countered by using ecological accounting, which attempts to measure the ways in which products or processes generate pollution.
The author discusses three areas related to internal reporting: 1 Pollution prevention and product costing; 2 pollution prevention and planning; and, 3 pollution prevention and performance assessment. A substantive issue for an increasing number of industries -- particularly in the European Union where environmental regulations are stricter than they are in the United States -- is the life cycle recycling requirements in which manufacturers are responsible for the end product when the useful -- original intended -- life ends. Many companies now must attend to the life cycle costing and life cycle analysis for products they have produced. Life cycle costing incorporates measures of product costs for research and development, acquisition of raw materials, actual manufacturing, transportation of finished goods, usage by consumers or supply chain, and, ultimately, disposal.
As the author clearly states: "The major point of life-cycle costing is that there are many costs incurred before and after manufacturing that do not get charged to the product using conventional costing systems" Lanen, , p. Life-cycle analysis enables the inclusion of costs associated with liabilities in phases far from the actual period of manufacturing. Future issues include consideration of the relation between market valuation and liabilities, and the effect of disclosure policies on costs. Augmentative and Alternative Communication AAC Hough, M. Use of AAC to enhance communication in an adult with chronic severe aphasia. In Clinical AAC Research Conference, Charlottesville, VA.
Description The use of an Augmentative and Alternative Communication device with adults suffering from non-fluent aphasia is among several approaches to improving communicative capability and enhancing involvement in life undertakings for those who have lost the ability to communicate. A variety of different research studies have demonstrated that individuals who suffer from protracted, severe non-fluent aphasia can employ augmentative and alternative communication AAC to communicate. Despite this valuable approach, the majority of studies to date fail to include stratagems or methods utilized to enable communication or interrelationships with caregivers.
Design The design of the study focused on extending the previous study undertaken by Johnson et al. in press; cited in references. This work evaluated whether a man suffering from…. Technology and Criminal Justice System The American prisons are known to be hosting some of the highest number of prisoners in relation to the entire population. The criminal justice system has over the years proven to be punitive and offenders have often found themselves incarcerated upon presentation of evidence. With the improvement of technology, there have been even more people getting convictions, increasing the number of people behind the prison walls.
The overcrowding at the prisons has severally prompted the use of alternative means of correction rather than sending people to the prisons. This has seen increased paroles and offenders being put under probations as a means to decrease the congestion in the prisons. The challenges that the criminal justice system has faced over the years have prompted the initiative towards inculcating the culture of more technology use within the criminal justice system. The use of technology in the criminal…. References FBI, Next Generation Identification NGI. DNA and the Criminal Justice System. pdf Maureen Brown, Criminal Justice Discovers Information Technology. pdf National Institute of Technology, Criminal Justice Interview Room Recording System Selection and Application Guide.
Everyday Use Alice alker's short story "Everyday Use" is about a mother who has two daughters, one who has remained at home and appreciates their family heirlooms because of their connection to the home and their family, and another daughter who has become interested in the Black Nationalist movement and who looks at the same articles and appreciates them more for their aesthetic appeal than their deeper meaning. Through this story, alker makes a larger statement about the Black Nationalist movement to which daughter Dee belongs. She claims to want to honor her African heritage by adopting a more ethnic sounding name and by holding on to items which have meaning to her history as a descendant of slaves. This is a peripheral connection to her heritage and has no true meaning.
Dee desires of her family treasures in order to fit in with a group, not because she has…. Works Cited: doComo. html Skyers, Sophia. Whenever I will have to remember anything like dates or thing in order, I always try to ask myself what each of this thing reminds me of so that I can get a strong connection with them. Then, I will try to link this connection with an immense and vivid representation to make my recollection a lot more stronger. Technically, Baddeley postulates what he calls a central executive Bjork and Bjork, , which is involved in the coordination and control of behavior Levitin, eference List Bjork, E. San Diege, CA: Academic Press Inc. Levitin, D. Foundations of Cognitive Psychology.
Boston, MA: The MIT Press. Uttl, B. Memory and Emotion. Malden, MA: Blackwell…. Reference List Bjork, E. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing, Ltd. Music and Language The relationship between music and language is the subject of a great deal of debate, and ever researchers that support comparisons between the two uniquely human…. References Ballard, M. Genre of music and lyrical content: Expectation effects. Journal of Genetic Psychology 4 , Jackendoff, R. Parallels and nonparallels between language and music. Music Perception 26 3 , Lancker-Sidtis, D. Tracking the incidence of formulaic expressions in everyday speech: methods for classification and verification.
Language and communication 24, Powers, H. Language models and musical analysis. Ethnomusicology 24 1 , Attachment dimensions were found to be related to self-esteem, expressiveness, instrumentality, trust in others, beliefs about human nature and styles of loving" Collins pg This topic will discuss how we as individuals can either mock or act in a totally different way than those we communicate with, and how our choice to act in either of those two ways can affect how what we say is perceived. Summary How all of the above components interact to form our communication skills and the way we communicate with others will provide a foundation for the paper that should prove very viable.
The paper will discuss the interactions of our communication relationships including how those relationships are perceived. hether our communication attempts involve relationships, or the methods used to convey what it is we wish to convey will be discussed in a comprehensive and enlightening manner. Conclusion By completing the necessary research,…. Works Cited Collins, Nancy L. In the future, the politicians could support an agenda promoting the national manufacturers in an attempt to reduce imports and increase exports.
The direct impact for the mechanic could be that he might have more work in the future. Another example of how the book is useful is given by the need or desire to understand the features of the contemporaneous economic crisis. Despite the fact that the media present apocalyptic stories of today's financial challenges, a reading of Clayton and Giesbrecht's book would reveal that the economy has often been confronted with challenging times and that times of economic boom and recession are normal. Otherwise put, a Guide to Everyday Economic Statistics would help the reader understand the cyclic character of an economy and he would as such be less pessimistic.
Listening only to the media coverage of one bankruptcy following another would definitely take a negative toll on…. The ambition is to promote organic chocolate and its implied benefits outside of historically niche markets. One year marketing objectives include a penetration of U. It is the ambition of Everday to have accounted for every 20th bar of chocolate bought in the United States by that juncture. orks Cited: Knudson,. Organic Chocolate. html Organic Trade Association OTA. hy Choose Organic Chocolate? The O'Mama Report. Works Cited: Knudson, W. Why Choose Organic Chocolate? The iMac allows for the free flow of ideas to the screen by eliminating almost every clumsy aspect of user interaction with technology -- the overall aesthetic is reduce, reduce, reduce.
The iMac has proven a triumph of marketing for Apple, and increased interest in purchasing iTunes iPods, and other Apple products. Because the product is so recognizably Apple, every time someone sees a Mac that looks 'cool,' they feel positive towards the distinctive Apple look and brand in general, not just towards the Macintosh. By creating an image for a computer, and not making a computer's design a static, faceless, and characterless object far less interesting than what flits across the screen, Apple has created an enthusiastic customer base.
Although certain customers may use Microsoft indows because it…. Works Cited iMac. An important aspect of the marketing management plan relates to communication. Effective engagement of internal stakeholders is crucial if the desired outcomes are to be achieved. When internal stakeholders are well informed of the marketing objectives, they are likely to be more committed to the initiative, hence increasing the success of the initiative. At HtW, internal stakeholders mainly include the board, the management, and members of staff. The board acts as the overall decision making organ of the organization.
It formulates polices and the strategic direction of the organization and supervises the management. Communicating the marketing objectives and progress to the board would, therefore, be vital. The board requires such information for purposes of decision making on aspects…. The loss is experienced because whatever is learned in an adult learning session is not practiced at the workplaces. This problem is indicative of the dire need for combining knowledge with current practical work. The internships of doctors and people doing Ph. The variations in practical applications and formal learning make it necessary that lifetime learners find out fresh strategies to tackle these variations. These variations comprise of the high work requirements that make the job training mandatory, unavoidable variation in an occupation, tech-literacy and the disparity created between the skilled and….
References Detterman, D. Transfer on trial: Intelligence, cognition, and instruction. Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishing,. Fischer, G. Supporting learning on demand with design environments. International Conference on the Learning Sciences, pp. Making learning a part of life-beyond the 'gift-wrapping' approach of technology. Kammler Eds. Donat Verlag, Bremen, pp. Gardner, H. The unschooled mind, New York: Basic Books. One such village, Vlackebos, literally translated into the "wooded plain. The area stayed in this overgrown natural state for nearly three centuries. As with the Dutch traders, these newcomers built homes and roads, only more quickly and densely.
iding through East Flatbush today, there are still trees that line…. References cont. Vega, Eric. html Yahoo Finance. Found in both plant and animal products, such as olive oil, canola oil, peanut oil, and in some plant foods such as avocado Nutristrategy 10935, Phospholipids are major components of the cell membrane. Phospholipids limit the passage of water-soluble compounds through the membrane, enabling the cell to keep its contents separate from the outside environment. Lastly, just wanted to give five ways that one can cut one's fat intake by watching what foods one consumes. Convert some of the foods one eats. Hope this all helps in one's decision.
Good luck, hope you make healthy choices, and let us talk if there are questions. eferences Encarta Encyclopedia html Nelson,…. References Encarta Encyclopedia html Nelson, M. Strong Women, Strong Hearts. New York: G. P Putnam's Sons. Nutristrategy Fats, Oils, and Fatty Acids. Retrieved August 11, , from www. The author makes mention of potential careers in economics, but also points out how one will use one's economics background even if he or she does not ultimately pursue an economics career. The information that the author presents in this section is realistic and accurate, and includes ways to follow-up on an undergraduate economics education.
It is easy enough to understand these concepts the way they are presented. By no means does the article purport to be a definitive selection of economic concepts, but it does provide a fair overview. Students who find the examples interesting may be compelled to delve a little bit deeper. Yet, it does not take long in one's economic studies to move far beyond issues of mortgages and investments. Indeed, an example or two about the GDP or another concept in which economic education spends much more time would have been appropriate as well. Abstract: An original, word, brief description of the study and not a paraphrasing of the body or the research report.
Although Scott did present an Abstract outlining his study there was a definite absence in presenting to the reader a professional conviction as to why such a study is needed or beneficial. The closest Scott came to fulfilling this requirement was to state that the aim of reviewing case studies is to prepare future teachers for real life situations. He might have informed the reader that case study research is a practical manner whereby students preparing to enter the educational field of reading disability is to garner information, as well as to evaluate situations that will resemble real life situations that will most likely be encountered. In other words, learning through example. Introduction: Contained within the Introduction section of a research report is a review of the literature along with….
The critical issues if technology like security, management of assets, system access, support and reliability must be implemented through appropriate policies and standards while ensuring that there is fairness, maintaining of corporate culture as well as legal protection. IBM must ensure that they implement their telecommuting program by ensuring a high level of communication with the telecommuters, standardization of technology, using processes that are well defined, training staff and using appropriate implementation tools. In order to reduce the cost of improving the system, the new system must be built in an open architecture so as to allow for seamless integration with the current and the future corporate network system.
In summary, the telecommuting is beneficial to the workers, employers and the society as a whole. The benefits that are highly noted are better quality of work life, improved satisfaction with work, improved productivity, minimized costs, and an environment that is…. References Boyd, P. Telecommuting in Massachusetts, Synopsis of the Massachusetts Telecommuting Initiative. Assessed on March 28, Evan H. Offstein, EH. American Food Uses and Abuses The uses and abuses of food in America are becoming clearer everyday mostly because we can no longer avoid the obvious concerns about the public's poor dietary health and obesity. This concern is leading us as a nation to take a closer look at our love of fast foods and the alternative ways for us to gain access to easy and convenient food that may or may not be healthier.
It turns out that even as we look to organic or locally produced food, we cannot get away from safety and health considerations. The fact is that America's food preferences are tied closely to what it means to be an American and this often means they are tied to us using ingredients that are often first about simplicity and profits Corporate Accountability, We know that a good deal of what we eat is processed…. Timeline of Events: Multistate Outbreak of Listeriosis Linked to Whole Cantaloupes from Jensen Farms, Colorado. Corporate Accountability International Health Effects of Fast Food. Honey National Honey Board. Let's Move America's Move to Raise a Healthier Generation of Kids. S Gubbels. Talks about how obesity is a major problem of our society and how it is affecting the children and adults.
The article talks about the causes and the consequences of obesity and provides certain prevention for this problem. The article relates the problem of obesity with the Health Belief Model and talks about how the Model contributes in motiving the people to bring Health behavior change in their lives. It point out the reasons for people in bringing behavior changes associated with the Health Belief Model. S Gubbels, In the article "Health Belief Model in the Town of Obese Elderly Women use Health Education" by Zeng Gui Ying, the writer talks about how the Health Belief Model is a major source of information and education for the obese women living in towns and villages.
It tells that how the model motivates and encourages the obese women to…. References Baranowski, T. Are Curent Health Behavior Change Models Helpful in Guiding Prevention of Weight Gain Efforts. Boskey, E. Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Health Belief Model. Galletta, G. Medicine Health. S Gubbels, M. ISRN Obesity. Health Beliefs regarding Dietary Behavior and Physical Activity. Although the general public is not likely to know what semiotics is the concepts that have been used by the cultural study known as semiotics have been used by advertising and marketing professionals for a number of years.
Through the use of semiotics such professionals have successfully used the information and techniques suggested through semiotics to manipulate the consumer culture so that certain products are now considered to represent style, success, and power in modern society. Semiotics, which is simply, the study of signs and their impact on life, is not a recognized science but incorporates many of the same techniques in defining its studies and recommendations. egardless of its acceptance as a legitimate educational discipline, semiotics has successfully transformed modern culture through its use by advertisers and marketers.
It has allowed manufacturers such as Burberry and Gucci to become not only leading clothing manufacturers but also cultural icons. References Ahuvia, A. Social criticism of advertising: on the role of literary theory and the use of data. Journal of Advertising. Beasley, R. Persuasive Signs: The Semiotics of Advertising. Berlin: Mouton De Gruyter. Fox, I. British fashion industry now worth nearly 21 Billion Dollars a year. Retrieved August 28, , from Guardian. Social Climbing: Luxury Fashion Brands Must Embrace Social Media. An Eigenface representation Carts-Power, pg. his method converts the facial data into eigenvectors projected into Eigenspace a subspace , Carts-Power, pg.
he method of catches the imagination because the vectors form images that look like strange, bland human faces. he projections into Eigenspace are compared and the nearest neighbors are assumed to be matches. he variances generated by either the Eigenspace or the PCA will vary according to the…. Thus, finding a principal subspace where the data exist reduces the noise. Besides, when the number of parameters is larger, as compared to the number of data pints, the estimation of those parameters becomes very difficult and often leads to over-learning. Over learning ICA typically produces estimates of the independent components that have a single spike or bump and are practically zero everywhere else.
The fact that he chose to use real Black people in the background, but white actors in the lead roles highlights the idea that Blacks were still supposed to be subservient to whites; even lead characters who were supposed to be Black were portrayed by whites. However, it also points to one of the reasons that whites chose to employ blackface: the perpetuation of racial stereotypes. hile many minstrel shows focused on less frightening aspects of Black stereotypes, the Birth of a Nation focused on a fear that people would use to drive anti-Black sentiment in the period following Reconstruction: the image of the Black male as dangerous rapist. Although many people protested the racist elements of the movie, it became an instant success, and remains a controversial but constant member of most critics' best film lists.
Blackface persisted as a staple in American entertainment throughout the early part of…. Works Cited The Center for American Music. University of Pittsburgh. Deane, Pam. Anabolic Steroid and Performance Enhancing Drug Use Among High School Athletes Anabolic steroid use has, at least in the past, been prevalent among major college and, especially, professional sports. Major League Baseball implemented a drug testing regimen very recently after backlash from fans made it an issue that the sport believed it had to listen to. The National Football League has a testing program that has been in place since , and other sports have also begun programs to test for anabolic steroids and other performance enhancing drugs PED to ensure that there is a level playing field among all of their athletes.
Unfortunately this testing has led to consequences for some athletes. Some notable case of athletes being either stripped of honors or not being selected for honors because they acknowledged PED or steroid use have occurred in recent times. Lance Armstrong was recently stripped of all of his…. References Denham, BE. Effects of mass communication on attitudes toward anabolic steroids: An analysis of high school seniors. Journal of Drug Issues, 36 4 , Green, G. The prevalence of anabolic steroid use by Southern California high school athletes.
LA84 Foundation. pdf Liberatore, S. Q: I have a lot of competitive athletes in my classes. If they decide to use steroids, what effect will this have on their health? The Science Teacher, 76 1 , Martin, J. Making muscle junkies: Investigating traditional masculine ideology, body image discrepancy, and the pursuit of muscularity in adolescent males. International Journal of Men's Health, 10 3 , Economic Ideas Economics can be considered as the study of the allocation of scarce resources that have potential alternative uses among the competing and virtually limitless want of consumers in society.
The allocation of resources is necessary both at an individual and societal level. Economics considers the manner in which people are organized for economic tasks. Economics is applicable everywhere. Economics should be thought of in all the aspects rather than considering the things in the way they already are. This particular proposal explains the reason cars have their fuel doors on different sides. People line up and fuel their cars at the petrol station. However, it is noteworthy that some cars have their fuel filler door on the side of the driver while others have their fuel filler opening on the side of the passenger.
This might be perceived as a normal aspect but is largely linked to economics. References Frank, R. Why Do Cars Have Fuel Doors on Different Sides? PBS Newshour. The Economics of Economists: Institutional Setting, Individual Incentives and Future Prospects. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Mankiw, N. Principles of Economics. Stamford: Cengage Learning. Marshall, A. New York: Palgrave MacMilan. It is totally unacceptable for men or women to touch each other inappropriately or sexually unless they are in a relationship of some sort, and after a certain age, it is inappropriate for boys to touch girls, except in very neutral or general ways.
These norms differ in different cultures, and some cultures are much more closed about touching. For example, in our society, hugging is an accepted way to greet or say goodbye to someone, but in other cultures, that would be inappropriate, so norms differ throughout the world. These norms are established through culture and society. Each culture raises their children differently, so they learn tactile communication differently. Some cultures are extremely open to touching and non-verbal communication, while others are more reserved. In addition, in any culture, there can be people who are non-tactile, and do not like being touched. The norms for these individuals can be…. References Andersen, P. The touch avoidance measure. In the sourcebook of nonverbal measures: Going beyond words, Manusov, V.
Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Andersen, P. Measuring live tactile interaction: The body chart coding approach. individuals seek medical aid everyday in order to conceive a child. Through new technology, conceiving a child is now possible for individuals who were never able to previously. One such method is through egg donation and bioengineering. This process is for a woman who is unable to contribute a viable egg in order to produce a zygote. Egg donation has become an increasingly popular method of conception. This method should be completely illegal for several reasons. Egg donation companies supply these eggs through donors. Donors go through a rigorous screening process.
This process can include everything from disclosing medical records, meetings with psychologists, medical testing, and signing an informed consent form. Once a donor…. Bibliography ConceiveAbilities. Egg Donor Compensation. htm Egg Donation: Legal-Ethical Issues. htm Kara N. Maxwell, I. The incidence of both serious and minor complications in young women undergoing oocyte donation. Fertility and Sterility, It is being overly romantic to keep on wishing that the old days will not pass away. Sooner or later change will overtake every country and every community. The well swept hard clay may be nice during summer but what will happen when there is heavy rain? Is it possible that Mama and Maggie will not be able to come out of the house because the place is all muddied and they can even walk to buy their food?
On the other extreme Susan Farrell disagrees with the worldview of Mama and Maggie and instead favored the forward-thinking attitude of Dee. However, Farrell went to the extreme. It is difficult to understand why she turned a blind eye to the faults of Dee. One has to question who had the correct worldview. It has to be said that perhaps Dee was not materialistic but simply wanted to improve her life. She simply wanted progress over backwardness and chose improvement over stagnation. However, Farrell just like Tuten went to the extreme in their praise and condemnation of the main characters. Both Mama and Dee needed to see the big picture. Mama cannot keep on postponing her date with the present reality. It is time for her kids to experience what it feels like to be educated. There is nothing wrong with the fact that Dee decided to go to school and desire for a better life.
It is wrong for her in not encouraging Maggie to reach for the stars. On the other hand Dee must learn to value family and traditions. She must value it the way Mama and Maggie values their family history and heritage. It seems that Dee can only manage to appreciate what they have on an intellectual level while Mama and Maggie were able to embrace what they went through and their past history from an emotional and spiritual level. It can be argued that Alice Walker is suggesting that the qualities of Mama and Dee must be fused. This is perhaps the reason why she inserted Maggie in the story. But at the same time Maggie is sensitive enough to honor and respect her mother and their traditions. The only thing that Maggie needed to do is to get out of her shell and not use her injuries as an excuse to grow and mature as a person.
It is not correct to take sides to choose between Mama and Dee. Both of them are correct and both of them are wrong when it comes to specific areas of their lives and their worldview. Mama cannot force her daughters to be like her — uneducated and living in a mud hut. On the other hand it is wrong for Dee to reduce everything into an intellectual treatise. She knew the value of the quilts from a historical and analytical perspective but she is unable to show her mother and sister how much she respects the spiritual and emotional value of those quilts.
Both mother and daughters must learn to live in the modern world without forgetting where they came from. Tuten, Nancy. Academic Search Premier. Walker, Alice. Need a custom Essay sample written from scratch by professional specifically for you? certified writers online. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible.
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